- March 10, 2006
- 4,434
- 1,897
- Moderator
- #461
How make this automatic?
When HTPC powers on, and MediaPortal starts it doesn't do this magically.
Either you're using the MePo option to boot with Windows (which is registry key entry), or you added MediaPortal launch shortcut to the "Startup" folder.
Adjust either to instead launch a batch-script, or power-shell script or whatever you prefer, and then process whatever you want in there.
Below is what I do on mine, and where I deal with AmbiBox is where I would deal with other tools as well if I use them, such as devcon for display restarts, dc2 for clone screen adjustments, or synergy commandline launch for complex configurations. At one point I was even sending network messages to let me know HTPC was finished booting, but it boots so quick now that there is no need for such trickery. I'd be happy to share more details on those methods though, but have to dig them up as that was back in 2009/2010 when I used those.
PS: I'm on an SSD so it only adds like a second to run the entire script.
@Echo Off
:: Auto backup/restore MediaPortal databases based on integrity check.
:: Author » RoChess
:: Updated » July 19th 2013
SET MEPO_PATH=Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\database
IF EXIST "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\%MEPO_PATH%\*.db3" SET DB3_PATH=%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\%MEPO_PATH%
IF EXIST "%AllUsersProfile%\%MEPO_PATH%\*.db3" SET DB3_PATH=%AllUsersProfile%\%MEPO_PATH%
taskkill /F /T /IM AmbiBox.exe > nul
start "AmbiBox" /D "C:\Program Files (x86)\AmbiBox" AmbiBox.exe
IF "%DB3_PATH%"=="" GOTO Error_MePo
IF NOT EXIST "%~dp0\sqlite3.exe" GOTO Error_SQLite
:: Check to make sure MediaPortal is not still running
tasklist | find /i /c "MediaPortal.exe" >nul &&goto MediaPortalRunning
tasklist | find /i /c "PluginConfigLoader.exe" >nul &&goto MediaPortalRunning
tasklist | find /i /c "Moving Pictures Config.exe" >nul &&goto MediaPortalRunning
tasklist | find /i /c "MP-TVSeries-Configuration.exe" >nul &&goto MediaPortalRunning
echo Auto Backup/Restore STARTED (%DATE% -- %TIME%) >"%~dpn0.log"
CD /D "%DB3_PATH%"
FOR %%I IN (*.db3) DO (
CALL:checkSQLite "%%I"
echo Auto Backup/Restore FINISHED (%DATE% -- %TIME%) >>"%~dpn0.log"
:: Locating MediaPortal folder
IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe" (
start "MediaPortal" "%ProgramFiles%\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe"
) ELSE (
IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe" (
start "MediaPortal" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MediaPortal.exe"
) ELSE (
Goto MediaPortalNotFound
IF %~z1 EQU 0 (
echo Aborting: "%~nx1" is ZERO bytes
echo Aborting: "%~nx1" is ZERO bytes >>"%~dpn0.log"
SET Pass=No
echo PRAGMA integrity_check; | "%~dp0\sqlite3.exe" "%~dpf1" | find /c "ok" > nul &&SET Pass=Yes
IF "%Pass%"=="Yes" (
echo Updating backup for: "%~nx1"
echo Updating backup for: "%~nx1" >>"%~dpn0.log"
xcopy "%DB3_PATH%\%~nx1" "%DB3_PATH%\%BACKUP%\" /I /C /D /Y /Q >nul
IF "%Pass%"=="No" (
echo - No backup exists for: "%~nx1"
echo - No backup exists for: "%~nx1" >>"%~dpn0.log"
IF EXIST "%DB3_PATH%\%BACKUP%\%~nx1" (
echo - Restoring last-known good backup for: "%~nx1"
echo - Restoring last-known good backup for: "%~nx1" >>"%~dpn0.log"
xcopy "%DB3_PATH%\%BACKUP%\%~nx1" "%DB3_PATH%\" /I /C /Y /Q >nul
echo WARNING: MediaPortal is still running!!
echo MediaPortal and/or Configuration tools are still active.
echo Try it again later, after giving it more time to finish.
GOTO ErrorDelay
echo WARNING: MediaPortal *NOT* Found!!
echo Unable to locate MediaPortal in the default location.
echo Please adjust this script manually to use your custom folder.
goto ErrorDelay
echo ABORTING: MediaPortal databases not found
echo Nothing to do, please verify your MediaPortal installation.
GOTO ErrorDelay
echo ABORTING: SQLite.exe command-line tool missing!
echo Download binary shell for Windows from: http://www.sqlite.org/download.html
echo Unzip and copy sqlite3.exe to:
echo "%~dp0"
GOTO ErrorDelay
echo This window will self-destruct in a few seconds.
ping 1.0 -n 1 -w 5000 > nul