Certification Logos (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 30, 2012
Home Country
Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
I don't seem to be able to find a way to see the movie certification (age rating) when viewing a film in Moving Pictures.

When looking at the screenshots for skins for download, it seems to be available for the Mustayaluca skin (see last screenshot), but not any others. Have I missed something, or is there anything I can do to get the certificate rating to show on other skins?



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  • January 24, 2012
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    It's available in OnePortal and as far as i know most other skins, which skin is it missing from ?


    Portal Member
    December 30, 2012
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    Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
    I'm using Titan (since I went to 1.4), and was using BlueWide and haven't seen it in either. Will have another look later to see if I am just blind ;)

    Thanks for the quick replies, looking forward to checking when I get home!


    Super Moderator
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  • June 10, 2008
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    moving pictures. all categories. certification. tell us the list of options that you see with exact spelling. then i can fix this for your country in titan or tell you what is wrong.


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    It could also be a matter of missing images (I had to add aspectratio\fullscreen.png, logos\audio\7.1.png + ac3.png + dtshd.png + mono.png a long time ago).

    MovPic obtains the info during import and the skin media folder for logos has to match that verbatum (with extension .PNG added by skin).

    Lot of times the folder with images already contains one that you need, but it has a different name, so you have to copy+rename.

    To find out what 'image filenames' you need, open MovPic configuration (use direct shortcut) -> "Movie Manager" tab -> select a movie -> look for "Certification" row. If your movie shows "R" then you need to have a corresponding:

    "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\<SKIN NAME>\Media\certification\R.png"​

    The same goes for mediainfo logos on resolution, codec, etc. Switch from "Movie Details" to "File Details" in the drop down box.

    And then look for "Video Codec", "Audio Codec", "Audio Channels", "Video Aspect Ratio", etc. This also has to match the filenames as per the following example:

    "Video Aspect Ratio" = 'Fullscreen' = "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\<SKIN NAME>\Media\Logos\aspectratio\Fullscreen.png"​

    I like the MPAA certifications myself, so I've modified the Titan skin to show them, as per:


    Hope that explains it.


    Portal Member
    December 30, 2012
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    Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
    That's great info. First up it turns out I am blind, they do exist in Titan as default. I was just looking in the wrong place (expecting to see it as a line with Date, Runtime, etc as shown above).

    Secondly, that's great info on the modding. I quite like the look of the MPAA wide logo, but when time allows will be trying to convert to the UK ratings so will also be looking to use the BBFC versions. Lots to play with there :)


    Super Moderator
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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    Why are they not showing to begin with, can you please tell me all the certifications so I can make sure they are included in the titan skin by default.


    Portal Member
    December 30, 2012
    Home Country
    Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
    Hi Kiwi,
    They are showing, the films I checked last night were PG-13 and R, indeed there they were as described. I think my issue in not seeing them was:

    a) Expecting to see them in a different area of the screen (i.e. alongside Runtime/Genre/Director/Etc), in my mind I expected the data in that group
    b) The logos did not look like 'official' logos (as per the MPAA one above), and hence did not register with me

    It looks to me now that I am looking in the right place that it all appears fine, however I will report back if any of the UK ratings are missing when I test.

    It appears the issue is with my eyes/brain, not the skin :oops:


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    Secondly, that's great info on the modding. I quite like the look of the MPAA wide logo, but when time allows will be trying to convert to the UK ratings so will also be looking to use the BBFC versions. Lots to play with there :)

    I've added support for BBFC and a few other English-language rating systems to the IMDb+ scraper enhancement for MovPic. Have a post as well showing all the rating images @ https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/threads/skins-information-for-skin-developers.103590/

    PS: I got the MPAA images originally from StreamedMP skin, but then did end up modifying them a bit. You are welcome to try out my fling at Titan skin editing, 7-zip file contains all you need at: http://blixy.net/mp/Titan+/ and the other screenshots show you all the modifications I've made. Was not able to make all the modifications to the Titan Extended theme, so it is a little hacked mess. Not sure it is still valid for the latest update to Titan Extended, but it does still work for me.

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