Chances at WEbEPG Plugin at MediaPortal 1.16 pre? (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
May 28, 2014
Home Country
Germany Germany
i have a question. Last days I installed MediaPortal Version 1.16pre and after this.
I configurat the TV-Channels and try to use the MediaPortal "WebEPG"
Plugin whis the Web EPG Files from "TKloline" unfortunaly

Two (www_prisma_de, "www.klack_de") of the 3 EPG Files will not work by me whis
MediaPortal 1.16 pre

The problem:

1. When I use the WebEPG File "www_klack_de" the EPG Grabbing information has include some xml
Information you can see the problem at

message: #71
WebEPG Problem - Keine Updates mehr per tvtoday

Here you can found "logs" and a picture from the problem.

2. When I use the brand new "www_prisma_de" ( 20.03.2017) the WebEPG Plugin.
WebEPG will absolutely none EPG Infos found

picture you can see here:

message #+70

WebEPG Problem - Keine Updates mehr per tvtoday

Can some MediaPortal 1.16 pre user confirm this problem?Thank you for your help.

Last edited:


Portal Pro
May 28, 2014
Home Country
Germany Germany
Hi Developer,
can someone tell me who is support the "WebEPG" Plugin inside from MediaPortal?

I am not sure.Which person I can contact to for this problem. I think the problem are not the WebEPG "xml" Files because when you use MediaPortal 1.15 and older Version the WebEPG xml Files work whis out problem :-(



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    I am not sure.Which person I can contact to for this problem.
    There's no need to contact people directly. Only a little more patience is needed. We all have lives (families, jobs, hobbies etc.) outside MediaPortal, so it can take time to receive a reply.

    I think the problem are not the WebEPG "xml" Files because when you use MediaPortal 1.15 and older Version the WebEPG xml Files work whis out problem :-(
    WebEPG has not changed substantially since 2014. So, if a grabber works with MP 1.15, it should also work with MP 1.16 PR... unless the website format changes.

    If you'd like further assistance, please attach full TV Server log files and your WebEPG config (XML file or screenshots).


    Portal Pro
    May 28, 2014
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    @mm1352000 Sorry i would not impatient . I am not precarious I have to do more then I do.

    >> If you'd like further assistance, please attach full TV Server log files and your WebEPG config (XML file or screenshots).

    One question I attached two logs at the german Forums question (WebEPG Problem - Keine Updates mehr per tvtoday )and a screenshot from the problem.

    In this Message I give only a refer to this Message .Was this wrong? Should I attached this log here again? because I not sure I attached now all files again and some picture from my configuration. I hope that is correct.



    • 1-WebEPG-General-page.PNG
      37.1 KB
    • 2-WebEPG-TV-Mappings-klacks-page.PNG
      53.9 KB
    • 3-WebEPG-TV-Mappings-klacks-page2.PNG
      56.5 KB
    • 4-WebEPG-TV-Mappings-klacks-page3.PNG
      51 KB
    • 5-WebEPG-TV-Mappings-klacks-MP116pre-Display3.PNG
      896.4 KB
    • 6-WebEPG-general-page-prisma-prisma-MP116pre.PNG
      40.4 KB
    • 7-WebEPG-TV-Mapping-prisma-page1-MP116-.PNG
      44.4 KB
    • www_prisma_de.xml
      6.6 KB
    • www_klack_de.xml
      7.5 KB
    Last edited:


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    One question...
    Was this wrong?
    Sorry, I didn't see the link... but I can't speak/read/write German, so usually I wouldn't look at a link to the German forum.

    In short: the cause of the problems is that the websites have changed and the grabbers have not been updated to compensate. It's nothing to do with differences between MP 1.15 and MP 1.16 PR.

    For both these grabbers (klack and prisma)...
    I don't know where you got them from. Nobody has bothered to submit them for inclusion in MediaPortal ( :( :( :( ). Therefore I don't know if you're using the latest versions, or...
    Please ask for support from the person/people who provided the grabbers to you.
    Please also ask them to submit them -->here<-- so they can be included in MediaPortal!


    Portal Pro
    May 28, 2014
    Home Country
    Germany Germany

    first thank you very much for your help very fast help. I understand it is not normal!

    Yes the grabbers xml are the newes one.

    The Developner from the grabbers xml was "@TKOlit" he publish the german grabbers xml. at 16.12.2015
    It was the links in my first post (WebEPG Problem - Keine Updates mehr per tvtoday).

    Because the first Version from "www_prisma_de.xml" will not work anymore since some weeks. I ask at 18.03.2017 them maybe he can update them and he do this.
    Unvortunaly the update Version will not work in MP1.16 it was luck to find out because I try DVB-T2 whis MP1.16

    Because I am not a programmers I have no expiriance to change the problem:
    All grabbers xml was hostet at:

    [XML] www_tvmovie_de.xml -

    www_prisma_de.xml v2.0
    [XML] www_prisma_de.xml v2.0 -

    [XML] www_klack_de.xml -

    I can ask "@TKOlit" he unterstand what you meen and ask them the will open a new message to integrate the grabbers Files when he can not maybe can write the message in the grabbers Forum when someone correct the problem in the xmls.

    Interesting is you told the websites have changed because @TKOlit told me the same and change something that the "www_prisma_de.xml " (Version 2) now works again in MediaPortal 1.15 and older only not in MediaPortal 1.16 pre.

    when I have problem I will ask again.

    best regards,



    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    I used google translate to read what you said to TKOlit, and also to read his response. It seems that you think I said that WebEPG has not changed. I did not say that. I said WebEPG has not changed substantially. There's a big difference. :)

    There is one change between MP 1.15 and 1.16 PR. Initially I did not think that change could cause a problem since it was so insignificant. However I looked very closely and I may have found the problem.

    Can you please try the attached patch?
    1. Open TV Server Configuration.
    2. Go to the "manual control" section.
    3. Click "stop service".
    4. Close TV Server Configuration.
    5. Open Windows File Explorer.
    6. Navigate to your TV Server install folder (default: c:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server).
    7. Make a backup of the TvLibrary.Utils.dll file.
    8. Download the attached TvLibrary.Utils.dll to replace the standard one from MP 1.16 PR.
    9. Open TV Server Configuration (click "yes" to start the TV service).
    10. Now try to use WebEPG with the Prisma and Klick grabbers.

    Please can you tell us which line in the "Web EPG Files " do you think we have to change that the problem will fix (www_klack_de.xm and www_prisma_de") will work ?
    For www_prisma_de.xml...
    I use Windows XP. The Prisma grabber is using HTTPS, and the Prisma website requires TLS v1.2 security. This is not supported on Windows XP. So, for me the Prisma grabber will not work on any version of MP. I can't test it or use it, and so I cannot even attempt to fix it.

    For www_klack_de.xml...
    I tested the version that you linked (here) and couldn't reproduce the problem. For me the program titles are normal. There is no "<div..." part:

    Still, please try the attached patch. Maybe it will help you.


    • TvLibrary.Utils [1.16 PR WebEPG fix].zip
      24.1 KB


    Portal Pro
    May 28, 2014
    Home Country
    Germany Germany

    yes you are rightt that is what I understand from our talk. Normal my englisch is not got enough to explane such problem because my englisch has not this richness of detail. Sorry for this.
    I am would be glad when we found a way to find the problem.

    The patch I will test the next day! and give you a feedback.



    Portal Pro
    May 28, 2014
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hello @mm1352000
    sorry for the delay.

    Today a test the attached "TvLibrary.Utils.dll" now the "WebEPG Plugin" works again whisout problem whis "prisma_de" and "klack_de" xml again.
    I attached some picture and a complete log from "klack_de" . EPG running.

    One question:
    Please can you exceptionally integrated the new WebEPG configuration "xml" to MediaPortal 1.16?
    The last EPG grabber Files thats works you find in my massage "#6"



    • new-dll-klack-de-p1.PNG
      39.1 KB
    • new-dll-klack-de-p2.PNG
      914.7 KB
    • new-dll-klack-de-p3.PNG
      34 KB
    • new-dll-prisma-p1.PNG
      35.9 KB
    • new-dll-prisma-p2.PNG
      839.9 KB
    • new-dll-prisma-p3.PNG
      39.2 KB

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