changing TV Channel than MediaPortal freeze, cvs 17.Jan2006 (1 Viewer)


MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • January 14, 2006
    Area: Media Portal Program
    MP Version: 0.2RC2, CVS 17.Jan 2006
    Skin: BlueTwo
    Windows Version: Windows XP Pro with SP2, .net 1, .net 2.0, Service Pack 1 for .net 1.1
    CPU Type: AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (Venice)
    Memory: 512 MB DDR, Kingston Value
    Motherboard Chipset: ATI Radeon Xpress200
    Video Card: on Baord (ATI Radeon Xpress200) 64MB Memory used
    Video Card Driver: ATI Catalyst 5.13
    Video Card Resolution: 800x600
    Video Render Type: VMR9 renderless
    Video Codec Type & Version: InterVideo
    Audio Codec Type & Version: InterVideo
    exklusive DirectX mode: On
    TV Card: Technisat SS2
    TV Card Type: DVB
    TV Card Driver: newest

    If I change to an other tv channel than MP freeze.
    In cvs 15.Jan2006 I used a trick. I deleted all TV groups so that I have only channels but no groups. With this trick MP isn't freeze by changing tv channels. Should I delete the groups in cvs 17.Jan2006 too? I think the probleme was fixed?


    19.01.2006 22:29:32 CaptureCard B2C2 MPEG-2 Source NOT supported, no definitions found
    19.01.2006 22:29:36 exception in process() Object reference not set to an instance of an object. TVCapture at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.DVBGraphSS2.Process()
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.TVCaptureDevice.Process()
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.Recorder.ProcessCards()
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.Recorder.ProcessThread(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
    19.01.2006 22:47:48 exception in process() Object reference not set to an instance of an object. TVCapture at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.DVBGraphSS2.Process()
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.TVCaptureDevice.Process()
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.Recorder.ProcessCards()
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.Recorder.ProcessThread(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)


    19.01.2006 22:29:20 MediaPortal is starting up
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 Set current directory to :C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 verify that directx 9 is installed
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 verify that windows mediaplayer 9 or 10 is installed
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 Windows media player version:10,0,0,3802 installed
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 Check if mediaportal is already started
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 delete old log\capture.log file...
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 Check skin version
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 Set registry keys for intervideo/windvd/hauppauge codecs
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 Init playlist player
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 creating the WINLIRC device
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 Initialising WinLirc...
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 Winlirc process not found
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 done creating the WINLIRC device
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 Init players
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 initializing DirectX
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 start fullscreen
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 ClientSize: 800x600 screen:800x600
    19.01.2006 22:29:20 MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 texturemanager:dispose()
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 TexturePacker:Dispose()
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 load localized strings from:language\German\strings.xml
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4500 text:confused:kip albums with existing cover art
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4501 text:confused:ave cover art in album folder
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4502 text:confused:ave cover art in thumbs folder
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4503 text:Getting album count. Please wait...
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4504 text:{0}% - {1} of {2}
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4505 text:confused:earching {0}...
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4506 text:[Blank]
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4507 text:Cover art grabber aborted by user
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4508 text:Cover art grab completed successfuly
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4509 text:Cover art grab completed with errors
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4510 text:{0} cover art images updated
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4511 text:Cover Art Grabber Done
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4512 text:All covers up to date
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4513 text:Various
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4514 text:Cover Art Grabber
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4515 text:Cover Art Grabber Search Results
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4516 text:No cover art found
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4517 text:Close
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4518 text:Album title not found\r\nTrying: {0}
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4519 text:Current cover art
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4520 text:confused:kip
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4521 text:confused:how album info
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:4522 text:Grabbing: {0}...
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 Load fonts from skin\BlueTwo\fonts.xml
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 Loaded font:debug height:12 texture:256x256 chars:[32-255] miplevels:1
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 Loaded font:font10 height:10 texture:256x256 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 Loaded font:font12 height:12 texture:256x256 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 Loaded font:font13 height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 Loaded font:font14 height:14 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    19.01.2006 22:29:21 Loaded font:font16 height:16 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 Loaded font:font18 height:18 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 Loaded font:dingbats height:25 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 Loaded font:font32 height:33 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 Loaded font:font48 height:50 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 Loaded font:font72 height:75 texture:512x512 chars:[48-59] miplevels:1
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 Loaded font:fontSVT height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 Load skin BlueTwo
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 LoadWindowPlugins()
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\Dialogs.dll
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\WindowPlugins.dll
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 Loading references from skin\BlueTwo\references.xml
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 original skin size:720x576
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 xml:skin\BlueTwo\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 opening tvdatabase
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 using sqlite 3.2.8
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 AddTable: tblversion
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 AddTable: channel
    19.01.2006 22:29:22 AddTable: tblPrograms
    19.01.2006 22:29:23 AddTable: genre
    19.01.2006 22:29:23 AddTable: recording
    19.01.2006 22:29:23 AddTable: canceledseries
    19.01.2006 22:29:23 AddTable: recorded
    19.01.2006 22:29:23 AddTable: tblDVBSMapping
    19.01.2006 22:29:23 AddTable: tblDVBCMapping
    19.01.2006 22:29:23 AddTable: tblATSCMapping
    19.01.2006 22:29:23 AddTable: tblDVBTMapping
    19.01.2006 22:29:23 AddTable: tblGroups
    19.01.2006 22:29:23 AddTable: tblGroupMapping
    19.01.2006 22:29:23 AddTable: tblChannelCard
    19.01.2006 22:29:23 AddTable: tblNotifies
    19.01.2006 22:29:23 AddTable: tblEPGMapping
    19.01.2006 22:29:23 tvdatabase opened
    19.01.2006 22:29:23 Init MPScript
    19.01.2006 22:29:23 C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\scripts
    19.01.2006 22:29:25 xml:skin\BlueTwo\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\XihSolutions.DotMSN.dll
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 WindowManager.Load
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 load calibration800x600.xml
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 WindowManager.Preinitialize
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx20.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\black.bmp total:0 mem left:249561088
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 WindowManager.ActivateWindow
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 xml:skin\BlueTwo\home.xml image id:1000 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png 162x225 format:A8R8G8B8
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:1 mem left:249561088
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 skin initialized
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 DX9 size: 800x600
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 video ram left:243712 KByte
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 running...
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 Mediaportal.OnStartup()
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 Recorder: Loading capture cards from capturecards.xml
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 Recorder: card:1 video device:B2C2 MPEG-2 Source TV:True record:True priority:10
    19.01.2006 22:29:26 Recorder: tv channel changed:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:29:27 PlugInManager.Load()
    19.01.2006 22:29:27 Load plugins from :plugins\process\ProcessPlugins.dll
    19.01.2006 22:29:27 PlugInManager.Start()
    19.01.2006 22:29:27 PowerScheduler: version 0.3
    19.01.2006 22:29:27 PowerScheduler: Settings loaded - wakeup 1, shutdown 3, mode Suspend - Forced
    19.01.2006 22:29:27 PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer activated, automatic shutdown in 3 minutes
    19.01.2006 22:29:31 key:13 0xD (2)
    19.01.2006 22:29:31 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
    19.01.2006 22:29:31 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    19.01.2006 22:29:31 texturemanager:dispose:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:2 mem left:232783872
    19.01.2006 22:29:31 Recorder:enable dx9 exclusive mode
    19.01.2006 22:29:31 goto fullscreen:True
    19.01.2006 22:29:31 app:confused:witch to fullscreen mode False
    19.01.2006 22:29:31 app:confused:witched to fullscreen mode
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx21.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:197
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 tv home init:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=ProSieben ts:True
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 Recorder:confused:tartViewing on:proSieben True True
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 Recorder:HandleView ProSieben True True
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 Recorder:confused:tartViewing() channel:proSieben tvon:True timeshift:True vmr9:False
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 Recorder: Turn tv on channel:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 Recorder: find free card
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 CaptureCard B2C2 MPEG-2 Source NOT supported, no definitions found
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 Recorder: found free card 1 prio:10 name:confused:kystar 2
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 Recorder: start timeshifting card 1 channel:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 TVCapture: change channel to :proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 TVCapture.StartTimeShifting() Card:1 :proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 TVCapture.CreateGraph() Card:1
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph()
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() create graph
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 Playlistplayer.Stopfile
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() create filters
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create B2C2 adapter
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create streambuffer
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create MPEG2 analyzer
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create MPEG2 demultiplexer
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create sample grabber
    19.01.2006 22:29:32 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create dvbanalyzer
    19.01.2006 22:29:33 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() add filters to graph
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 DVBGraphSS2: Initialize Tuner()
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 DVBGraphSS2: SetVideoAudioPins()
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 DVBGraphSS2:Create EPG pin
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 DVBGraphSS2:Get EPGs pin of analyzer
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 DVBGraphSS2:Connect epg pins
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 DVBGraphSS2:Demuxer is setup
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 DVBGraphSS2: add sample grabber
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 DVBGraphSS2: graph created
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 DVBGraphSS2: Start timeshifting: ProSieben
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 DVBGraphSS2: Tune: ProSieben
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 DVBGraphSS2 Tune() freq:12480000 SR:27500 FEC:6 POL:1 LNBKhz:1 Diseq:1 audiopid:100 videopid:FF LNBFreq:10600 ecmPid:0 pmtPid:64 pcrPidFF
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 DVBDemuxer:proSieben audio:100 video:FF teletext:20 pmt:64 subtitle:0 program:898
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 DVBGraphSS2: SetDemux()
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 DVBGraphSS2:confused:etDemux() audio pid:0x100 video pid:0xFF
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 DVBGraphSS2:confused:etDemux() done:0
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 Recorder: currentfile: newfile:D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 Playlistplayer.StartFile(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 teletext: grab teletext for card:confused:kystar 2
    19.01.2006 22:29:34 g_Player.Play(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:29:35 StreamBufferPlayer:play D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:29:35 goto fullscreen:False
    19.01.2006 22:29:35 VMR9: now active
    19.01.2006 22:29:35 add filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
    19.01.2006 22:29:35 added filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
    19.01.2006 22:29:35 add filter:MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder to graph
    19.01.2006 22:29:35 DVBDemuxer:receiving DVB packets
    19.01.2006 22:29:35 playingFalse radio:False
    19.01.2006 22:29:35 added filter:MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder to graph
    19.01.2006 22:29:35 add filter:DirectSound: Realtek HD Audio output to graph clock:DirectSound: Realtek HD Audio output
    19.01.2006 22:29:35 added filter:DirectSound: Realtek HD Audio output to graph
    19.01.2006 22:29:35 got pins
    19.01.2006 22:29:35 got pin#0:DVR Out - 1
    19.01.2006 22:29:35 render ok
    19.01.2006 22:29:35 got pin#1:DVR Out - 2
    19.01.2006 22:29:36 DVBGraphSS2:process() got new PMT:7
    19.01.2006 22:29:36 DVBGraphSS2:process() start grabbing epg
    19.01.2006 22:29:36 render ok
    19.01.2006 22:29:36 exception in process() Object reference not set to an instance of an object. TVCapture at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.DVBGraphSS2.Process()
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.TVCaptureDevice.Process()
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.Recorder.ProcessCards()
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.Recorder.ProcessThread(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
    19.01.2006 22:29:37 PowerScheduler: next scheduled event 01.01.2100 01:00:00 triggered by: Power Scheduler
    19.01.2006 22:29:37 PowerScheduler: Set wakeup timer at 01.01.2100 00:59:00
    19.01.2006 22:29:37 PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer deactivated
    19.01.2006 22:29:38 g_Player.OnStarted() D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\ media:TV
    19.01.2006 22:29:38 Recorder:confused:tartViewing off:proSieben True True done
    19.01.2006 22:29:38 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
    19.01.2006 22:29:38 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
    19.01.2006 22:29:38 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 389x271
    19.01.2006 22:29:38 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
    19.01.2006 22:29:38 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
    19.01.2006 22:29:38 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
    19.01.2006 22:29:38 PlaneScene: dst : (346,111)-(707,382)
    19.01.2006 22:29:39 opening video database
    19.01.2006 22:29:39 AddTable: bookmark
    19.01.2006 22:29:39 AddTable: genre
    19.01.2006 22:29:39 AddTable: genrelinkmovie
    19.01.2006 22:29:39 AddTable: movie
    19.01.2006 22:29:39 AddTable: movieinfo
    19.01.2006 22:29:39 AddTable: actorlinkmovie
    19.01.2006 22:29:39 AddTable: actors
    19.01.2006 22:29:39 AddTable: path
    19.01.2006 22:29:39 AddTable: files
    19.01.2006 22:29:39 AddTable: resume
    19.01.2006 22:29:39 AddTable: duration
    19.01.2006 22:29:39 AddTable: actorinfo
    19.01.2006 22:29:39 AddTable: actorinfomovies
    19.01.2006 22:29:39 video database opened
    19.01.2006 22:29:39 VMR9Helper: playing->repaint
    19.01.2006 22:29:39 VMR9Helper: repaint->playing 60
    19.01.2006 22:29:40 key:120 0x78 (2)
    19.01.2006 22:29:40 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome deinit
    19.01.2006 22:29:40 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    19.01.2006 22:29:40 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUIFullScreenTV init
    19.01.2006 22:29:40 start fullscreen channel:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:29:40 init->OSD:Off
    19.01.2006 22:29:40 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
    19.01.2006 22:29:40 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
    19.01.2006 22:29:40 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 800x600
    19.01.2006 22:29:40 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
    19.01.2006 22:29:40 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
    19.01.2006 22:29:40 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
    19.01.2006 22:29:40 PlaneScene: dst : (0,0)-(800,600)
    19.01.2006 22:29:43 key:121 0x79 (2)
    19.01.2006 22:29:43 OSD:ON
    19.01.2006 22:29:45 key:121 0x79 (2)
    19.01.2006 22:47:17 key:120 0x78 (2)
    19.01.2006 22:47:17 fullscreentv:show gui
    19.01.2006 22:47:17 deinit->OSD:Off
    19.01.2006 22:47:17 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUIFullScreenTV deinit
    19.01.2006 22:47:17 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    19.01.2006 22:47:17 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
    19.01.2006 22:47:17 tv home init:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:47:17 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=ProSieben ts:True
    19.01.2006 22:47:17 Recorder:confused:tartViewing on:proSieben True True
    19.01.2006 22:47:18 Recorder:HandleView ProSieben True True
    19.01.2006 22:47:18 Recorder:confused:tartViewing() channel:proSieben tvon:True timeshift:True vmr9:True
    19.01.2006 22:47:18 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:True channel:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:47:18 Recorder: currently playing:D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:47:18 Recorder: Turn tv on channel:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:47:18 Recorder: Found card:1
    19.01.2006 22:47:18 teletext: grab teletext for card:confused:kystar 2
    19.01.2006 22:47:18 Recorder:confused:tartViewing off:proSieben True True done
    19.01.2006 22:47:18 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
    19.01.2006 22:47:18 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
    19.01.2006 22:47:18 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 389x271
    19.01.2006 22:47:18 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
    19.01.2006 22:47:18 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
    19.01.2006 22:47:18 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
    19.01.2006 22:47:18 PlaneScene: dst : (346,111)-(707,382)
    19.01.2006 22:47:27 key:13 0xD (2)
    19.01.2006 22:47:28 window:MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogMenu init
    19.01.2006 22:47:28 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
    19.01.2006 22:47:28 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
    19.01.2006 22:47:28 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 389x271
    19.01.2006 22:47:28 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
    19.01.2006 22:47:28 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
    19.01.2006 22:47:28 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
    19.01.2006 22:47:28 PlaneScene: dst : (346,111)-(707,382)
    19.01.2006 22:47:31 key:13 0xD (2)
    19.01.2006 22:47:31 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=N24 ts:True
    19.01.2006 22:47:31 Recorder:confused:tartViewing on:N24 True True
    19.01.2006 22:47:31 Recorder:HandleView N24 True True
    19.01.2006 22:47:31 Recorder:confused:tartViewing() channel:N24 tvon:True timeshift:True vmr9:True
    19.01.2006 22:47:31 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:True channel:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:47:31 Recorder: currently playing:D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:47:31 Recorder: Turn tv on channel:N24
    19.01.2006 22:47:31 Recorder: Found card:1
    19.01.2006 22:47:31 Recorder: tv channel changed:N24
    19.01.2006 22:47:31 teletext: clear teletext cache
    19.01.2006 22:47:31 TVCapture: change channel to :N24
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 PlaneScene: video WxH : 768x576
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 PlaneScene: video AR : 768:576
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 PlaneScene: screen WxH : 389x271
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 PlaneScene: AR type : Normal
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 PlaneScene: PixelRatio : 1
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 PlaneScene: src : (0,0)-(768,576)
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 PlaneScene: dst : (346,111)-(707,382)
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 TvCaptureDevice:RebuildGraph() Card:1 chan:N24
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 Playlistplayer.Stopfile
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 g_Player.Stop()
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 g_Player.OnStopped()
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 VMR9: not active
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 DVBGraphSS2:DeleteGraph()
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 DVBGraphSS2:confused:topTimeShifting()
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 DVBGraphSS2:DeleteGraph()
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 DVBDemuxer: audio:0 video:0 teletext:0 pmt:0 subtitle:0 program:-1
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 free dvbanalyzer
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 DVBDemuxer: audio:0 video:0 teletext:0 pmt:0 subtitle:0 program:-1
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph()
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() create graph
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() create filters
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create B2C2 adapter
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create streambuffer
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create MPEG2 analyzer
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create MPEG2 demultiplexer
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create sample grabber
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create dvbanalyzer
    19.01.2006 22:47:32 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() add filters to graph
    19.01.2006 22:47:33 DVBGraphSS2: Initialize Tuner()
    19.01.2006 22:47:33 DVBGraphSS2: Tuner initialize failed
    19.01.2006 22:47:33 Recorder: start viewing timeshift file of card 1
    19.01.2006 22:47:33 Playlistplayer.StartFile(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:47:33 teletext: grab teletext for card:confused:kystar 2
    19.01.2006 22:47:33 g_Player.Play(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:47:33 player:ended
    19.01.2006 22:47:33 Playlistplayer.StartFile(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:47:33 g_Player.Play(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:47:33 player:ended
    19.01.2006 22:47:34 playingFalse radio:False
    19.01.2006 22:47:34 playingFalse radio:False
    19.01.2006 22:47:34 Recorder:confused:tartViewing off:N24 True True done
    19.01.2006 22:47:43 TVCapture.Stop() Card:1
    19.01.2006 22:47:43 TVCapture.StopTimeShifting() Card:1
    19.01.2006 22:47:43 TVCapture.DeleteGraph() Card:1
    19.01.2006 22:47:43 teletext: stop grabbing teletext for card:confused:kystar 2
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 key:13 0xD (2)
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 TVHome:turn tv on N24
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=N24 ts:True
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 Recorder:confused:tartViewing on:N24 True True
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 Recorder:HandleView N24 True True
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 Recorder:confused:tartViewing() channel:N24 tvon:True timeshift:True vmr9:False
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:N24
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 Recorder: Turn tv on channel:N24
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 Recorder: find free card
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 Recorder: found free card 1 prio:10 name:confused:kystar 2
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 Recorder: start timeshifting card 1 channel:N24
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 TVCapture.StartTimeShifting() Card:1 :N24
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 TVCapture.CreateGraph() Card:1
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph()
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() create graph
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 Playlistplayer.Stopfile
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() create filters
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create B2C2 adapter
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create streambuffer
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create MPEG2 analyzer
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create MPEG2 demultiplexer
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create sample grabber
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create dvbanalyzer
    19.01.2006 22:47:46 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() add filters to graph
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 DVBGraphSS2: Initialize Tuner()
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 DVBGraphSS2: SetVideoAudioPins()
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 DVBGraphSS2:Create EPG pin
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 DVBGraphSS2:Get EPGs pin of analyzer
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 DVBGraphSS2:Connect epg pins
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 DVBGraphSS2:Demuxer is setup
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 DVBGraphSS2: add sample grabber
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 DVBGraphSS2: graph created
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 DVBGraphSS2: Start timeshifting: N24
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 DVBGraphSS2: Tune: N24
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 DVBGraphSS2 Tune() freq:12480000 SR:27500 FEC:6 POL:1 LNBKhz:1 Diseq:1 audiopid:800 videopid:7FF LNBFreq:10600 ecmPid:0 pmtPid:6B pcrPid7FF
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 DVBDemuxer:N24 audio:800 video:7FF teletext:24 pmt:6B subtitle:0 program:47
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 DVBGraphSS2: SetDemux()
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 DVBGraphSS2:confused:etDemux() audio pid:0x800 video pid:0x7FF
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 DVBGraphSS2:confused:etDemux() done:0
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 Recorder: currentfile: newfile:D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 Playlistplayer.StartFile(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 teletext: grab teletext for card:confused:kystar 2
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 g_Player.Play(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 StreamBufferPlayer:play D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 goto fullscreen:False
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 VMR9: now active
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 add filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 added filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 add filter:MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder to graph
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 added filter:MPEG/AC3/DTS/LPCM Audio Decoder to graph
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 add filter:DirectSound: Realtek HD Audio output to graph clock:DirectSound: Realtek HD Audio output
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 added filter:DirectSound: Realtek HD Audio output to graph
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 got pins
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 got pin#0:DVR Out - 1
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 render ok
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 got pin#1:DVR Out - 2
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 render ok
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 DVBDemuxer:receiving DVB packets
    19.01.2006 22:47:47 playingFalse radio:False
    19.01.2006 22:47:48 DVBGraphSS2:process() got new PMT:3
    19.01.2006 22:47:48 DVBGraphSS2:process() start grabbing epg
    19.01.2006 22:47:48 exception in process() Object reference not set to an instance of an object. TVCapture at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.DVBGraphSS2.Process()
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.TVCaptureDevice.Process()
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.Recorder.ProcessCards()
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.Recorder.ProcessThread(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
    19.01.2006 22:47:49 DVBDemuxer:stopped receiving DVB packets
    19.01.2006 22:47:52 g_Player.OnStarted() D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\ media:TV
    19.01.2006 22:47:53 Recorder:confused:tartViewing off:N24 True True done
    19.01.2006 22:47:53 VMR9Helper: playing->repaint
    19.01.2006 22:47:53 VMR9Helper: repaint->playing 50
    19.01.2006 22:47:55 VMR9Helper: playing->repaint
    19.01.2006 22:47:58 key:13 0xD (2)
    19.01.2006 22:47:58 window:MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogMenu init
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 key:13 0xD (2)
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=ProSieben ts:True
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 Recorder:confused:tartViewing on:proSieben True True
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 Recorder:HandleView ProSieben True True
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 Recorder:confused:tartViewing() channel:proSieben tvon:True timeshift:True vmr9:True
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:True channel:N24
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 Recorder: currently playing:D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 Recorder: Turn tv on channel:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 Recorder: Found card:1
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 Recorder: tv channel changed:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 teletext: clear teletext cache
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 TVCapture: change channel to :proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 TvCaptureDevice:RebuildGraph() Card:1 chan:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 Playlistplayer.Stopfile
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 g_Player.Stop()
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 g_Player.OnStopped()
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 VMR9: not active
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 DVBGraphSS2:DeleteGraph()
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 DVBGraphSS2:confused:topTimeShifting()
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 DVBGraphSS2:DeleteGraph()
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 DVBDemuxer: audio:0 video:0 teletext:0 pmt:0 subtitle:0 program:-1
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 free dvbanalyzer
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 DVBDemuxer: audio:0 video:0 teletext:0 pmt:0 subtitle:0 program:-1
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph()
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() create graph
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() create filters
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create B2C2 adapter
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create streambuffer
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create MPEG2 analyzer
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create MPEG2 demultiplexer
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create sample grabber
    19.01.2006 22:48:00 DVBGraphSS2:CreateGraph() create dvbanalyzer
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 DVBGraphSS2:creategraph() add filters to graph
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 DVBGraphSS2: Initialize Tuner()
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 DVBGraphSS2: SetVideoAudioPins()
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 DVBGraphSS2:Create EPG pin
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 DVBGraphSS2:Get EPGs pin of analyzer
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 DVBGraphSS2:Connect epg pins
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 DVBGraphSS2:Demuxer is setup
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 DVBGraphSS2: add sample grabber
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 DVBGraphSS2: graph created
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 DVBGraphSS2: Start timeshifting: ProSieben
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 DVBGraphSS2: Tune: ProSieben
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 DVBGraphSS2 Tune() freq:12480000 SR:27500 FEC:6 POL:1 LNBKhz:1 Diseq:1 audiopid:100 videopid:FF LNBFreq:10600 ecmPid:0 pmtPid:64 pcrPidFF
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 Tune for SkyStar2 FAILED: on SetTunerStatus:0x90010115
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 Recorder: start viewing timeshift file of card 1
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 teletext: grab teletext for card:confused:kystar 2
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 Recorder:confused:tartViewing off:proSieben True True done
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 Playlistplayer.StartFile(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 g_Player.Play(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 player:ended
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 Playlistplayer.StartFile(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 g_Player.Play(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:48:01 player:ended
    19.01.2006 22:48:02 playingFalse radio:False
    19.01.2006 22:48:02 playingFalse radio:False
    19.01.2006 22:48:09 key:13 0xD (2)
    19.01.2006 22:48:09 TVHome:turn tv on ProSieben
    19.01.2006 22:48:09 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=ProSieben ts:True
    19.01.2006 22:48:09 Recorder:confused:tartViewing on:proSieben True True
    19.01.2006 22:48:09 Recorder:HandleView ProSieben True True
    19.01.2006 22:48:09 Recorder:confused:tartViewing() channel:proSieben tvon:True timeshift:True vmr9:False
    19.01.2006 22:48:09 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:True channel:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:48:09 Recorder: Turn tv on channel:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:48:09 Recorder: Found card:1
    19.01.2006 22:48:09 Recorder: start viewing timeshift file of card 1
    19.01.2006 22:48:09 teletext: grab teletext for card:confused:kystar 2
    19.01.2006 22:48:09 Recorder:confused:tartViewing off:proSieben True True done
    19.01.2006 22:48:09 Playlistplayer.Stopfile
    19.01.2006 22:48:09 Playlistplayer.StartFile(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:48:09 g_Player.Play(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:48:09 player:ended
    19.01.2006 22:48:10 playingFalse radio:False
    19.01.2006 22:48:13 key:13 0xD (2)
    19.01.2006 22:48:13 TVHome:turn tv on ProSieben
    19.01.2006 22:48:13 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=ProSieben ts:True
    19.01.2006 22:48:13 Recorder:confused:tartViewing on:proSieben True True
    19.01.2006 22:48:13 Recorder:HandleView ProSieben True True
    19.01.2006 22:48:13 Recorder:confused:tartViewing() channel:proSieben tvon:True timeshift:True vmr9:False
    19.01.2006 22:48:13 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:True channel:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:48:13 Recorder: Turn tv on channel:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:48:13 Recorder: Found card:1
    19.01.2006 22:48:13 Recorder: start viewing timeshift file of card 1
    19.01.2006 22:48:13 Playlistplayer.Stopfile
    19.01.2006 22:48:13 Playlistplayer.StartFile(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:48:13 teletext: grab teletext for card:confused:kystar 2
    19.01.2006 22:48:13 g_Player.Play(D:\Video\Aufnahmen\card1\
    19.01.2006 22:48:13 player:ended
    19.01.2006 22:48:14 playingFalse radio:False
    19.01.2006 22:48:14 Recorder:confused:tartViewing off:proSieben True True done
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 key:27 0x1B (2)
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 Recorder:confused:topviewing()
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 Recorder:confused:topAllViewing()
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:True channel:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 Recorder: stop timeshifting card 1 channel:proSieben
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 TVCapture.StopTimeShifting() Card:1
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 TVCapture.DeleteGraph() Card:1
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 DVBGraphSS2:DeleteGraph()
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 DVBDemuxer: audio:0 video:0 teletext:0 pmt:0 subtitle:0 program:-1
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 free dvbanalyzer
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 teletext: stop grabbing teletext for card:confused:kystar 2
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome deinit
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 Recorder:disable dx9 exclusive mode
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 goto windowed:False
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 app:confused:witch to windowed mode False
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 app:confused:witched to windowed mode
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png 162x225 format:A8R8G8B8
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:1 mem left:249561088
    19.01.2006 22:48:22 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
    19.01.2006 22:48:27 PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer activated, automatic shutdown in 3 minutes
    19.01.2006 22:48:51 key:13 0xD (2)
    19.01.2006 22:48:52 Mediaportal.OnExit()
    19.01.2006 22:48:52 TVCapture.Stop() Card:1
    19.01.2006 22:48:52 PlugInManager.Stop()
    19.01.2006 22:48:52 PluginManager: stopping MediaPortal.PowerScheduler.NVPPowerScheduler
    19.01.2006 22:48:58 PowerScheduler: Stop()
    19.01.2006 22:48:58 MediaPortal done
    19.01.2006 22:48:58 dbs:close:VideoDatabaseV5.db3
    19.01.2006 22:48:58 dbs:close:programDatabaseV3.db3
    19.01.2006 22:48:58 dbs:close:TVDatabaseV21.db3



    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • January 14, 2006

    same Problems in both cvs ( 17.Jan and 15.Jan).
    in CVS 15.Jan MP freeze
    in CVS 17.Jan MP crash's when changing channels.

    Thanks for your help and sorry form my (bad) english.



    Portal Member
    February 9, 2005
    Home Country
    Germany Germany

    I'm having the same problem. Using MP 0.1.3 leads to exceptions when switching through channels and sometimes just during watching tv without any user interaction.

    I have two error logs, showing both a problem with the tvdatabase:

    22.01.2006 19:57:35 ERROR: exception while sending pmt
    The process is unable to read from <xyz>.dat because onother process opened it
    >>> originally in german:
    Der Prozess kann nicht auf die "C:\Programme\MediaPortal\database\pmt\pmt_ZDF_1_1079_28006_4.dat" zugreifen, da sie von einem anderen Prozess verwendet wird.
    mscorlib at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String str)
    at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean useAsync, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
    at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.DVBGraphBDA.SendPMT()

    TVDatabase exception err: The object reference is not settled to an object instance...
    >>> originally in german:
    28.01.2006 18:56:00 TVDatabase exception err:Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt. stack: at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.sqlite3_step(Void* stmt)
    at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.Execute(String query)
    at MediaPortal.TV.Database.TVDatabase.GetProgramsPerChannel(String strChannel1, Int64 iStartTime, Int64 iEndTime, ArrayList& progs)
    28.01.2006 18:56:00 TVDatabase exception err:Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt. stack: at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.sqlite3_open(String filename, Void** handle)
    at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient..ctor(String dbName)
    at MediaPortal.TV.Database.TVDatabase.Open()
    28.01.2006 18:56:00 SQL2:select * from genre where strGenre like 'unknown' failed err:MISUSE
    28.01.2006 18:56:00 TVDatabase exception err:confused:QL2:select * from genre where strGenre like 'unknown' failed err:MISUSE stack: at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.Execute(String query)
    at MediaPortal.TV.Database.TVDatabase.AddGenre(String strGenre1)
    28.01.2006 18:56:00 TVDatabase exception err:Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt. stack: at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.sqlite3_open(String filename, Void** handle)
    at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient..ctor(String dbName)
    at MediaPortal.TV.Database.TVDatabase.Open()
    28.01.2006 18:56:00 SQL2:select * from channel where strChannel like 'RTL2' failed err:MISUSE

    To my mind this a thread synchronization issue dealing with SQLite and/or bad EPG data as well. My EPG data are read from tvguide.xml created by WebEPG, WebEPG 0.2.x stops all the time after a view minutes of working, any idea? Dotnet 1.1 (SP1) and Dotnet 2 is installed both with german localisation files.

    Due to this error, MP remains unstable, and I don't know whether or not it is solved in MP 0.2.x, so I'm posting it here.
    Has someone a solution?

    Another error, I noticed for the first time is the follwing VMR9 problem:

    28.01.2006 18:39:44 DVBGraphBDA: deletegraph() In der Anwendung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.SetRenderTarget(Int32 renderTargetIndex, Surface renderTarget)
    at MediaPortal.Player.PlaneScene.Deinit()
    at MediaPortal.Player.VMR9Util.RemoveVMR9()
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.DVBGraphBDA.DeleteGraph()
    28.01.2006 18:39:44 DVBGraphBDA: deletegraph() In der Anwendung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.SetRenderTarget(Int32 renderTargetIndex, Surface renderTarget)
    at MediaPortal.Player.PlaneScene.Deinit()
    at MediaPortal.Player.VMR9Util.RemoveVMR9()
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.DVBGraphBDA.DeleteGraph()

    Someone got any idea?

    Watching DVD, or video is working fine.



    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • February 1, 2005
    Stuttgart, Germany
    I have the same problem with my SS2 in 0.2.0 RC2 + CVS 17.1.
    As far as I understood, it happens only when changing from/to channels with AC3 audio (your case Pro7 -> N24). If you change between channels with stereo audio, nothing wrong happens. I also have defined groups, but with or without them there is no difference.
    Only workaround is to remove the AC3 pid in TV database, loosing the DD audio.

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