I haven't forgotten about this - it is on my list of things to do, but I've been very busy recently. I had a quick look at FreakyJ's dumps when they were first uploaded and to me it appears like there are no names for those channels. A deeper investigation would be required...
I spent at least half a day deeply examining the code in TsWriter and looking at your dumps on a byte-by-byte basis. I found one minor issue (which you've seen in the internal thread) which shouldn't make any difference to this discussion. That was a lot of effort but no reward, and at this point I'm at a loss to explain why the channels would appear. I have some unknown channels in my channel list but I can explain the reason for them - they are caused by channels that have PMT but are not listed in the SDT. This is a technique that some providers use to hide test channels. If you delete an unknown channel and then manually rescan, does the unknown channel come back?