Cheap NVidia FX5200 Card with TV Out (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 25, 2005
AllenConquest said:
I'm using the latest 66.93 drivers and the nVidia codec and can't get VMR9 to work. I'll try the windvd 6 codecs and see if that helps.

Look at tips and tricks forum "perfect pal resolution" for a link for Nvidia 61.12 driver

ffd show post processing disabled, and intervideo codec's (WINDVD6) does the trick for me

Does anyone knows how to get the ASUS 9520 FX5200 to 50 Hz on a TV (PAL B Netherlands) I can only get 60 Hz??



Portal Pro
September 24, 2004
Home Country
Germany Germany
[quote="paddy69]Does anyone knows how to get the ASUS 9520 FX5200 to 50 Hz on a TV (PAL B Netherlands) I can only get 60 Hz??[/quote]

You can select it in following way:

Please start the NVIDIA tool, select "Bildschirmauflösungen und Bildwiederholfrequenzen" (sorry I have only the german version).

Press the Hnzf button and the "Benutzerdef. Aufl." Dialog will pop up.

Select the line "Bildwiederholfrequenz" and type in into the field the value of 50 or 25.

Afterward please press the o.k button.

That's all.

If you are only using a TV ( not a PC monitor), use 25Hz. In this case the NVIDIA will use the interleaving mode automatically.

Best regards

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