Here is a 1st attempt at skin files for Pandora Music Box for CLR.
Let me know if anything is missing that you need. I left off the title and artist text for the 4 history thumbs to keep the design as clean as possible. I think I got all the necessary elements for the current functionality of the Pandora plugin.
There are still things stuck in the xml's that are commented out, haven't decided what to do with them yet... mostly just the labels mentioned above, and there are a couple media files that aren't used in this version.
I'm trying to fit the Song Title and Artist labels in for the History Thumbs. I've got the labels displayed when the thumb is focus. The rating icon was moved to the upper right corner of the thumb, but because it is semi-transparent (icon transparency and shape is controlled by the plugin), I had to put it on a colored tile. Before I submit this, I wanted some opinion on the location and color of the icon, and tile shape, color and transparency.