compro videomate 750 (1 Viewer)


New Member
April 14, 2007
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Have you tried checking and changing the IRQ that is assigned to the card, so that nothing conflicts with it? You can do this in your BIOS.


Portal Pro
April 17, 2007
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yeah m8, compro setup recommends it, also recommends placing it in the furthest slot away from the agp which has been done on two seperate mobos.
I was hoping support eventually catches up with it, well it's the only hope I've got for it and it's going to be some time before I can afford to replace it.


Portal Member
April 9, 2007
yeah its definately a hunk of junk.

Like you i read heaps of reviews, all came out good, and like you mention, the on function with the remote was a sealer.

But, compro don't wanna know about it, so f**k em, hope they diaf.


Portal Pro
April 17, 2007
Home Country
lol MoX the on function turns out to be the ONLY thing they seem to have gotten wright, I only use their lame remote when I switch out of mp to record and only then B'cos I haven't worked out how to get my mce remote to do it, I have one of the compro "magic buttons" mapped to the tv button on my mce remote for the on function so I can shut the machine down totally and turn it back on, none of this hibernate/sleep stuff, it's on or off ;)
tho no doubt someone will eventually come up with a similar solution that plugs strait to the mobo and compro won't have that as a selling point.

the whole saga has me questioning the validity of so called "reviews" of a product, have a look at the amount of reviews on the compro site, from just about every country in the world all saying it's the ducks guts, they must've have made excellent stocking fillers xmas for the reviewers.

any help or advise anyone has to offer is appreciated, I really would like to have mp be my one solution, would also like to feel a little less ripped off :)


Portal Member
August 19, 2007
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
Seems like I am in the same boat, splashed out on this card (compro T750) based on reviews, using on a self built HTPC. Not wanting to use the compro TV controls, I found MP. It looks great, but that is the biggest tease of all. It just wont recognise the card!

I have used the stable and now the RC1 and no joy.
I have edited the 'CaptureCardDefinitions.xml' file and notice two seperate entries for the T200/T300 and added one for the T750. Using both what I thought/found for parameters and what has been posted here. Still Nada.

I am even having issues getting the HIP app to work, it all configures happily, creating my own profile for the compro remote as the HIP provided one did nowt. It all test fine but as soon as MP starts up, its a useless piece of plastic.

All drivers for the card are installed correctly, have got the latest versions from compro, not a sausage...

Why is it that this brand of card is so unsupported or even functional. The interface compro supplies is clearly not designed for HTPC use and is a might short of intuitive, comming from an inteface designer myself. Was actually going to build my own HTPC GUI till I found MP, but this is not a good start.

Oh and although the compro apps are naff they all work, get all channels, channels and favorites save happily, fairly decent signal, it actually improves the signal if you insert the dual analog/digital into one adapter in, even if you dont use the analog (go figure?). But it does all work fine, just useless as a HTPC interface....

Any further tips or pointers muchly appreciated, before I go buy another card... anyone want to buy a T750 ;)



Portal Pro
August 12, 2007
Home Country
So did you guys try it with TV Engine 3? I was having similar hassles with my Compro DVB-T300 until I installed TVE3 and it just found it and worked... well, mostly. The digital side works fine (which is all I wanted), but no go on the analogue.


Portal Member
August 19, 2007
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
I will try TV Engine 0.3 but had hoped to avoid installing a database, did you need to uninstall the compro cr@p first? If this doesnt work then I follow MoX's advice :)

Well after some fiddling and tweaking I got it working with the tv-engine, at first didnt realise I had to match up the SVN versions and as I had downloaded and installed the latest tv-engine and plugin, but there wasnt a matching mp svn revison I gambled on just the latest revision, on behind the server. It worked, just some fine tuning to do!

Also no have to get the compro remote working, which was also a headached using HIP yesterday. But almost there.



Portal Pro
August 12, 2007
Home Country
Yes, I just got caught with mismatched updates too. Glad you got it working.

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