I use the comskip/show analyzer with MCE 2005. I don't use it to cut out the commercials right now, just skip them.
In MCE you have the ability to have automatic jump and manual jump through commercials. The "up arrow" turns on automatic jump and the "down arrow" turns it off. The "right arrow" jumps past the commercials and the "left arrow" jumps back.
The way I understand that it works is: show analyzer analyzes the show and looks for the broadcast logo. It outputs an xml file with times/position in the file of the commercials. Comskip then reads the xml and jumps to these points in time. So far I have almost no problems with comercial jumping. The most "problems" I have had are station commercials that put the logo in the corner. Such as a commercials for "news at nine" and it has the channel logo.
Mind you I am useing this in the States and 99% of my channels have a corner logo.
I've MCE2005 also running on my machine and would like to test it.
I didn't know that MCE2005 can skip commercials files?
What output format do I have to enable at comskip?