Cool Unwatched Videos Transparency Suggestion (1 Viewer)


New Member
January 8, 2008
Since RC2, I have been unable to view the covers for my custome movie view entitled 'unwatched'. The view basically filters out any movies that I've already watched. The names appear and I can view them in list mode, but not in icon, big icon, or filmstrip view.

I started thinking about how in list view, it changes the font color for the movies that you've already watched. My idea is to change the color to a transparent value for the movies in icon view so it would look something like this:


where the more transparent movies are the watched ones, and the opaque ones are unwatched. However, after looking through all of the xml files for the videos screen I still can't figure out how to do it.

What do you guys think, is it possible? BTW, this is Aeon wide that I modified a bit to look better on my projector. Thanks a ton guys!

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    A lot of these ideas may be incorporated into MP2, but if anyone knows of a easy way to do this, please do so, and maybe get into MP1.0.1. :)

    Yes it is a good idea, xbmc does something similar.


    New Member
    January 8, 2008
    Awesome... if anyone knows where the code is that turns the watched movies a different color in list view, it shouldn't be too bad. I for one can't find it in any of the skin files.

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