I don't work on this plugin my knowlege is somehow limited. If you use my plugin source to manege to work all buttons, if you want i send you the keymapping file.
Guys i am using coolcommand remote (white in color) from the PVR2000 card. Is it possible either seba or dukus can come out with the plugin for it? I am dying for it....
unzip archive in your mediaportal folder. In configuration enable plugin. Once it is enabled you can change keymappings.
For plugin to work you must install winfast pvr software and winfast wizard must be running (tray app).
I didn't know there is white remote. But if you use winfast pvr I think it should work.
hi seba, thanx for the reply. Actually there is a white controller (model Y04G0004) with more buttons. I am currently using ur coolreceiver plugin. It works on most buttons but there r other buttons that i cannot seem to map. For example, there is a DVD button and when I click on it, the system will go to standby. I did not map this button at all. Thank you.
I'd help by sending in some IR codes or whatever, but my remote never worked. I got it out of the box, and it never ever worked. Rather than take it back (which would involve a lot of fiddling around and a long drive to Melbourne), I just kept the remote, and stole the Digital Set Top Box remote from my brother and used that..
So best of luck to those who can use the Leadtek remotes ;P