CouchPotato 1.3.1 (2 Viewers)


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  • May 8, 2008
    Lake of Constance
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    Hi there,

    CouchPotato 1.3.1 is available on the App Store: Connecting to the iTunes Store.

    Old text for version 1.3:
    I have the feeling I messed something up with this update. Can you please confirm the following points:
    • For our German users: Is the app translated or is almost everything in English?
    • … same for Spanish, already found the problem I guess :-/
    • In the server list, is there still the star/add to favorite icon?

    The app behaves differently on two phones I could test it on, so I am not sure what exactly is going on here :-/

    Thanks for your help!


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  • May 5, 2009
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    Re: CouchPotato 1.3

    The stars/add to favourite icon do not appear (same layout as Beta 8).


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • May 8, 2008
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    Re: CouchPotato 1.3

    Version 1.3.1 with fixes for German and Spanish translations was submitted to the app store.

    What happened:
    In iOS development you have translation files (.strings files) for each supported language. Somehow the German and Spanish translation files were deleted from the project while updating from mygengo. The app tries to find the translation file and falls back to English if it can't find them.

    Normally XCode (the program iOS apps are developed with) tells you when files are missing from the project, for some reasons it didn't in this case. The problem could easily be fixed, I just had to delete the strings files and copy them to the project again. The only problem is that we have to wait for app store approval again for this version. Let's hope this is as fast as 1.3, here Apple was really fast with only 3 days.


    Portal Member
    August 8, 2011
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    AW: CouchPotato 1.3.1

    Kurzes Feedback zur Version 1.3.1:
    - immernoch englisch :)

    Sollte in Version 1.3 nicht das Browsen durch die Mediathek enthalten sein?
    Wann können wir damit rechnen? Leider hab ich in der Vergangenheit das ganze nicht weiter verfolgt und kenne somit den letzten Stand nicht.

    Auf alle fälle coole App, die super funktioniert!

    Einen Neuerungsvorschlag hätte ich noch: Die Pluginliste enthält Einträge, die ich im Wifi-Remote nicht finde und somit nicht deaktivieren kann.
    Vielleicht könnte man das konfigurierbar machen?
    Außderdem wäre es super, wenn man die Plugins umbenennen könnte. Denn im MP habe ich MovingPictures in Filme umbenannt (zumindest im HomeScreen).


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • May 8, 2008
    Lake of Constance
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    • #6
    Re: AW: CouchPotato 1.3.1

    Kurzes Feedback zur Version 1.3.1:
    - immernoch englisch :)

    Sollte in Version 1.3 nicht das Browsen durch die Mediathek enthalten sein?
    Wann können wir damit rechnen? Leider hab ich in der Vergangenheit das ganze nicht weiter verfolgt und kenne somit den letzten Stand nicht.

    Auf alle fälle coole App, die super funktioniert!

    Einen Neuerungsvorschlag hätte ich noch: Die Pluginliste enthält Einträge, die ich im Wifi-Remote nicht finde und somit nicht deaktivieren kann.
    Vielleicht könnte man das konfigurierbar machen?
    Außderdem wäre es super, wenn man die Plugins umbenennen könnte. Denn im MP habe ich MovingPictures in Filme umbenannt (zumindest im HomeScreen).

    Hi Sebastian,

    Immernoch englisch: seufz :-/ Bekomme ich hoffentlich im nächsten Update hin, hätte eigentlich schon in diesem funktionieren sollen ...

    Browsen: da arbeite ich noch dran. Das nächste Update wird noch die neuen Wifiremote Funktionen (Dialoge und evtl Listen) bringen, danach sollte endlich Media browsing soweit sein. MPExtended ist ja inzwischen auch draußen, dann wird es langsam zeit.

    Pluginliste: eigentlich sollten alle deaktivierbar sein, wenn das nicht geht ist das ein Fehler in WifiRemote. Muss ich mir mal anschauen. Umbenennung sollte auch schon gehen, versuch mal in WifiRemote doppelt drauf zu klicken.

    Gruß und Sorry für Schreibfehler (Handy),


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  • November 30, 2010
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    Hi Shukuyen,

    how are things going here? Any news?How far are you with the intergration of database browsing in the app?

    Best regards


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • May 8, 2008
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    I am working at integrating the new dialog and facade messages first so that I have an update sooner that can also fix the missing translations.
    For mpextended I tested some networking libraries and decided which one to use, but still have some trouble with navigation and layout concepts. I will have to rewrite some stuff in order to have a good navigation for that as I want the media library to be on the same level as the remote ... I guess I will have to use a custom tabbar controller with icons only (so that it doesn't mess up the remote layout), move the remote, gesture mode, power options, plugins and media browsing in there. Still not sure how to handle servers for wifiremote and mpextended services and how to check if those can talk to each other (when you have a file in mpextended and want to tell wifiremote to play that on your htpc the htpc needs access to the same database ids as mpextended ... that will be the case in most setups, but especially in multi seat setups this will result in conflicts).

    So to give a better answer:
    Next update with dialogs, facade browsing and translation fix will be out soon (this month I think/hope), then I will work as fast as possible on mpextended.


    Retired Team Member
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  • November 30, 2010
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    I am working at integrating the new dialog and facade messages first so that I have an update sooner that can also fix the missing translations.
    For mpextended I tested some networking libraries and decided which one to use, but still have some trouble with navigation and layout concepts. I will have to rewrite some stuff in order to have a good navigation for that as I want the media library to be on the same level as the remote ... I guess I will have to use a custom tabbar controller with icons only (so that it doesn't mess up the remote layout), move the remote, gesture mode, power options, plugins and media browsing in there. Still not sure how to handle servers for wifiremote and mpextended services and how to check if those can talk to each other (when you have a file in mpextended and want to tell wifiremote to play that on your htpc the htpc needs access to the same database ids as mpextended ... that will be the case in most setups, but especially in multi seat setups this will result in conflicts).

    So to give a better answer:
    Next update with dialogs, facade browsing and translation fix will be out soon (this month I think/hope), then I will work as fast as possible on mpextended.

    Well, that's very good news Shukuyen! :)

    Nice to hear that you are making so much progress.. If there are new strings to translate, please sent me a PM.. I also want to re-translate some existing strings because they doesn't fit nicely in the app..

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