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Did you try selecting only 'Pictures' field in AMCU on Database fields tab - then Update movies - Update Records - match on films where picture does not exist? In GUI: Global Updates (main menu) > 'incomplete Movie data' will display the movies where 'picture' is missing. There is a feature request in the tracker already (107: Allow user defined global updates via selecting AMCU configs from MyFilms GUI) to then update those in 'batch' mode via GUI ;) That feature will support much more than just batch cover updates!


Yep I think there is an issue with very large covers - I'll let @Guzzi report on that (beyond my pay grade ;))


OK I can confirm that for Cowboys & Aliens - strange because the cover name is correct (Cowboys & Aliens.jpg) but the Title is not :confused: I can reproduce on 'Peace, Love & Misunderstanding' as well


Further to what TLD said - in v 6 you can automatically add year or number (e.g. IMDb tt #) to cover filenames during import if you wish:

See AMCU > Database fields tab > Cover Handling > Prefix/Suffix to file name

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