tom1502 said:would you mind giving me details about how WME worx, and how it can be implemented into Mediaportal?!
Thx & Cheers
thechad said:I considered this some time ago and it seemed way out of my league. My thoughts were to create a Directshow renderer?? filter that would write the video to the network stream. By using direct show i thought it may be easier to integrate into the TV engine as just another part of the graph, and also possibly allow broadcasting the same card to multiple clients at once.
tom1502 said:Well my thoughts via UPnP have been that this will enable you to connect proprietary UPnP av clients to MP. the browser / VLC idea is great, but with VLC how will you control MP? Via a web service, commands could be sent via AJAX calling PHP scripts... using the already "maybe-existing" MPW installation. Other idea, concerning VLC would be, but i dont know if this is possible, streaming the whole MP-interface via Network, let VLC recieve it, and write a JAVA application, able to catch Keyboard inputs and later on Remote inputs and send these via LAN to the MP server...
tom1502 said:Hi,
the Timeshifting issue of the clients is definitely a problem. I think one solution could be, to let each client buffer his recieved stream in a file, and just allow him to timeshift within this file...
That's a big, big topic. Try going to google, and doing a search for directshow .tom1502 said:So can anyone explain me / post me informative links about these DirectShow stuff?
tom1502 said:What is the Problem with a graph for each client?
But doesn't that mean every client has to be viewing the same thing exactly, i.e. I can't rewind one client, but watch it live on another? The above problem still isn't solved either...tom1502 said:Wont it make most sense to just stream the file to the Network, no matter how many clients recieve this? So as soon as the first client connects to MP, the streaming starts( maybe just start streaming the timeshifting file - so only if timeshift is active, streaming is possible). Therby, we could implement the ability to use timeshifting features(Pause, FWD, REW, etc.) on the server, but with effect for every client who uses this "Timeshifting file"...
But doesn't that mean every client has to be viewing the same thing exactly, i.e. I can't rewind one client, but watch it live on another? The above problem still isn't solved either...
Of course, each client can have its own TV card on the server, but I think that's just wasting resources and impractical.
tom1502 said:Well this could be solved with a worker thread pool, so for each incoming client conexion, a own thread will be created starting to stream, but then no multicast(is this the correct word for it) is possible, so 1 client, 1 stream...
But is there any scenario where you, in your home have multiple clients who require different positions in the timeshifting buffers?!
new IDEA:
why not making such a thread pool, and let the client decide if he wants to use this stream or wants to open another one?!
tom1502 said:Well i dont like watching other concepts... well getting ideas yes, but build into own systems... NO!
So what about this thread pool stuff? Then it depends on Network-bandwidth how many conexions should be accepted!