Digital Tuner for MP/danish digital cable with HDTV support? (1 Viewer)


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  • August 4, 2005
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    Denmark Denmark

    Im considering buying a(some) digital tuner(s) to replace my analogue tuners which can deliver the necessary image quality for my new 50" TV. However im uncertain about how well supported such cards are in MP and in general.

    I have "TDC kabel tv" here in Denmark, and i was hoping someone could point me in the direction of a digital tuner card that would work with this and MP.

    Complicating matters is that i would really like one that is capable of recieving HDTV so i wont have to change it as soon as HDTV broadcasts become available.

    Another thing that would be really nice is it had dual tuners.

    I also have a few general digital TV questions:
    1. How widespread is DRM and what form does it take?
    2. Do these tuners need a hw encoder, or do they just dump the raw digital content recieved?
    3. Are there any typical issues/problems i should be aware of?
    4. Ive understood as much that i need a DVB card, and that DVB-S is satellite TV while DVB-T is terrestial TV, and DVB-C is cable. And is the correct DVB-C type the only requirement?


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 7, 2004
    Adelaide, Australia
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    That card you listed is for Terrestrial digital tv (over the air). You want a cable card (DVB-C). Cant make any recommendations though as we dont have that over here.

    1. How widespread is DRM and what form does it take?

    Providing you can tune it in MP, there isnt any.

    2. Do these tuners need a hw encoder, or do they just dump the raw digital content recieved?

    DVB card broadcast in MPEG2 already so no hardware encoder is needed.

    3. Are there any typical issues/problems i should be aware of?

    Encryption maybe? Thats as far as my cable knowledge goes, sorry.


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 4, 2005
    Home Country
    Denmark Denmark
    Thanks, i just discovered that DVB-C was the correct type, and altered the post to fit :)

    As to DRM, im almost sure some kind of credit-card-like-card is needed to watch many of the encrypted channels(but such a card is available from TDC) i was just wondering whether or not this caused problems with recording etc.

    Thanks for helping out even though you dont have digital cable yourself.

    Searching on the web i couldnt find any dualtuner cards, i guess ill just have to buy 2 smart cards and use 2xsingle tuner cards.

    From looking at the forums and the native card list the Fire/Floppy-DTV DVB-C looks to be a good choice.

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