Disable internet lookups for cover art? (1 Viewer)


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  • January 27, 2005
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    Just checking what setting Disable internet lookups for cover art in the music section of config app actually does.

    I have my album art set on most things and don't want it overwritten. Is this setting purely for info and skinning or does it update folder.jpg / ID3V2 tags ??


    Development Group
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  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    This option sets, if the AudioScrobblerplugin should get Cover Art from last.fm, when in Now Playing screen.
    It doesn't do any update of the ID3 Tag


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  • January 27, 2005
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    • Disable internet lookups for cover art - Default: off
      MediaPortal will not automatically look for CD covers on the internet​
    • Disable internet lookups for best album tracks - Default: off
      MediaPortal will not automatically look for the best album tracks on the internet​
    • Disable internet lookups for track suggestions - Default: off
      MediaPortal will not automatically look for track suggestions on the internet​
    • When adding files to the playlist - Default:
      Enqueue next
      When selected, adding a file to the playlist will make MediaPortal play the file as the next track

      Add to the end
      When selected, adding a file to the playlist will make MediaPortal add the file to the bottom of the playlist​

    So is the WIKI wrong? Are all the dynamic content options to do with last.fm or do they affect normal music playback?


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    Austria Austria
    Why should the Wiki be wrong?
    it tells you that when you check that box, it'll not look up covers on the internet? What#s wrong on that statement?

    The dynamic content option define, if updates are to be done via last.fm, when the audioscrobbler plugin is enabled and the Now Playing screen is the active screen.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Why should the Wiki be wrong?
    it tells you that when you check that box, it'll not look up covers on the internet? What#s wrong on that statement?
    I guess it was CD covers which made me think the wrong thing...

    The dynamic content option define, if updates are to be done via last.fm, when the audioscrobbler plugin is enabled and the Now Playing screen is the active screen.


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  • January 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I am assuming there is no way to have this option on for last.fm and off for local music???

    With it on my 500x500 CD covers often get replaced with the wrong covers at something like 140x140 which is not good news. With it off I get no images in last.fm plugin....


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I am assuming there is no way to have this option on for last.fm and off for local music???

    With it on my 500x500 CD covers often get replaced with the wrong covers at something like 140x140 which is not good news. With it off I get no images in last.fm plugin....

    OK looked through the code and I can see that last.fm and music section share the same config parameter so no way of separating without a code change.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 27, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Why should the Wiki be wrong?
    it tells you that when you check that box, it'll not look up covers on the internet? What#s wrong on that statement?

    The dynamic content option define, if updates are to be done via last.fm, when the audioscrobbler plugin is enabled and the Now Playing screen is the active screen.
    Now I have thought about this some more and it is not doing what it says i does. Having looked through the code I know think that when turned off it will download album covers when in music - now-playing (but not artist thumbs??)

    In last.fm plugin this option controls whether artist thumbs are downloaded (not album covers)

    So surely you have one option in config controlling two different things :confused:

    I am trying to figure out how this works though. In the past I have disabled downloading as the coverart I have embedded within files was not being used but instead a downloaded (what looked like 120x120 thumb stretched to 500x500) thumb instead. I can not however seem to replicate this now :confused: I have a feeling that this is because I have not ticked the album art thumbs in folder.jpg button... If this is the case then will MP extract thumb from ID3v2 tags and not retrieve jpg direct from thumbs folder? Or does MP simply extract thumb from tag once and store it in thumbs folder and this will always be picked up?

    I guess what I want to do is ensure that only embeded album art is used when playing local music but also download artist thumbs whilst using last.fm plugin

    hwahrmann could you confim how this all works?


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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    Did you know that often Windows Media Player will overwrite your album art with a lower resolution version, i think it often overwrites the folder.jpg, but i think embedded art is safe.

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