Divx 7 can't be used . yet. (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 1, 2009
Home Country
Portugal Portugal
Also uninstalled this, after i found loads of family video's will no longer play with the divx codec installed.

So as much as i was impressed with the lower cpu, not being able to play files is a no go :(

How come the family video's do not play with DivX installed? Is the DivX being used on the family video's? Why not use DivX only with H.264 and use ffdshow for everything else?

Anyway, since you've tested DivX, maybe you can answer me a couple of questions:

1) Does it play MKV files with x264 encoded content?
2) How does it compare to CoreAVC? I'm currently using CoreAVC but I'm having this problem with it that no one seems to be able to help me out (maybe you can? :p) and I'm wondering if DivX 7 would, perhaps, fix the problem...

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Whenever I test something like a codec, I remove anything that may be a influence on there behaviour, ie ffdshow, the avi's I refer to where all created with Pinnacle Studio 8\9 using the divx format (codec supplied) from a raw uncompressed avi file (very BIG at time).

    That's why I was so surprised they would not play, as you stated use ffdshow\xvid and the files play correctly, that's not the point, they were converted using the divx codec supplied with the pinnacle software in the first place :confused:, so a bit of a backward compatibility issue I think.


    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Rant over :)

    1) Does it play MKV files with x264 encoded content?

    Very well, the HD content I have ran at 20% CPU use against 30% with MPC or FFDShow (frame rate not tested), which both gave a similar picture, PowerDVD's h.264 showed some distinct distortion in same colour backgrounds, ie sky, but a much lower cpu use, visually not justified though.

    2) How does it compare to CoreAVC?

    Honestly no idea, have not used for 6+ months, other team members still say its the fastest decoding filter there is (highest frame rate) and have shown statistics to prove it, so unless i fancy spending a couple of quid to upgrade my version, may never know, maybe with a few more Blu-Ray Movies who knows :).


    Portal Pro
    January 1, 2009
    Home Country
    Portugal Portugal
    I guess I'll just have to test it for myself and see if it's better than CoreAVC or not... I wish it was or I wish it would at least fix my problem with MP 1.0 and the internal player, that would be awesome.

    Are you part of MP developer team? Do you know who is and who's responsible by the codecs/decoders/video renderer/internal player/etc part? I really would like that person(s) though on my problem if it was possible :/

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