@DJBlu @mm1352000 @Sebastiii
Is it possible, for example, to loop the carousel data through different EPG carrier types? While that is possibly the wrong expression, what I mean is that is it possible grab the EPG data and pass it through say an EIT filter, OpenTV filter, MHEG5 filter etc. until you've grabbed all the data and it has been decoded and then do a logic check on it and discard elements which are not complete or if you have repeated text? I ask this as in New Zealand, Sky transmit EPG data over EIT and OpenTV. OpenTV carries more detail and the 7 HD channel guide from what I can gather but things like Box Office are carried fully on EIT and not on OpenTV.
Maybe NZ is a special case, but I wonder if a system could be created so that as new EPG types are discovered they can be added as plugins and then selected; I would then enable EIT/OpenTV but someone in the UK might enable MHEG5 and OpenTV. This would allow the complete grabbing of the guide and would allow a little more flexibility should providers change the way EPG is carried...
Anyway, the ability to do these things makes MediaPortal fantastic and with committed devs and clever people (looking at you DJBlu!) things can only get better (I am sure there is a classic 90s hit in there somewhere...)
Is it possible, for example, to loop the carousel data through different EPG carrier types? While that is possibly the wrong expression, what I mean is that is it possible grab the EPG data and pass it through say an EIT filter, OpenTV filter, MHEG5 filter etc. until you've grabbed all the data and it has been decoded and then do a logic check on it and discard elements which are not complete or if you have repeated text? I ask this as in New Zealand, Sky transmit EPG data over EIT and OpenTV. OpenTV carries more detail and the 7 HD channel guide from what I can gather but things like Box Office are carried fully on EIT and not on OpenTV.
Maybe NZ is a special case, but I wonder if a system could be created so that as new EPG types are discovered they can be added as plugins and then selected; I would then enable EIT/OpenTV but someone in the UK might enable MHEG5 and OpenTV. This would allow the complete grabbing of the guide and would allow a little more flexibility should providers change the way EPG is carried...
Anyway, the ability to do these things makes MediaPortal fantastic and with committed devs and clever people (looking at you DJBlu!) things can only get better (I am sure there is a classic 90s hit in there somewhere...)