Does RC3 give low frames for HD LiveTV? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 23, 2008
I would make sure, that you have .net fully upto date including 3.5 and the latest directx, also any WMP11 updates there may be, besides any updated drivers\Bios that about all you can do.

Still not sure about Nero as a codec though, might be worthwhile getting powerdvd trial and see if that is any better.

I'll have to give this a shot tonight, thanks for the suggestion Paranoid.

One thing I can't get my head around is why it works fine in Vista MC and not in Media Portal. If I only had a way to tell what Vista MC is using to playback the HD channel and how it is different to MediaPortal I would probably have this issue beat.

On the Nero Codec side, I've tried every available codec for MPEG-2 playback, ffdshow, nero, nero HD, MVP, and windows and they all still have low fps (manifested in stuttering) on HD MPEG-2 livetv channels.


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  • January 7, 2008
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    I tried it and it works again, but now i have ro find a way that the remote responds to the pc button to get it out of hybernation.

    But at least it powers down and when powerbutton is pushed it turns on quickly and mediaportal is available immediately.

    Not sure if this on topic...:sorry:

    Some things to check, in regards to your new problem:
    1: USB powermanegemt. In Device Manager, check your usb connections and make sure that the once that are related with your remote, are set to "Allow this device to bring PC out of Sleep/hibernation".
    2: Make sure that the BIOS settings are right too. Here you also have to make sure that your USB device can bring the computer out of sleep mode.

    Thanks Jonas.

    However I have done 1 and 2, my computer does not wake up when I press a key on my wireless keyboard or click my wireless mouse. (Logitech Dinovo, receiver is a USB device) Maybe I should just install the Logitech dirvers and software to make it work, now I use the Windows standard drivers.

    But also the remote does not respond, so i have some more research to do.

    Back to the topic :)



    Portal Member
    November 23, 2008
    You can check which codec\filter is being used with graphstudio, just connect to remote graph when live tv's playing, this will give you input\filters\renderer information.

    To confirm the filetype you would need something like gspot and this will also give the same information as graphstudio.

    Never had broadcast HD, so yes possibly mpeg2 or h.264, gspot will tell you this.

    I got to thinking about my last post, and this post. I could tell what Vista MC was using to play the hd channel back using graphspot. So I downloaded it and checkt. It was using the Windows MPEG-2 component.

    Then I ran graphstudio while Media Portal was playing same HD channel and it was using ffdshow raw filter to play back the hd channel. In Media Portal Configuration the only thing ffdshow was configured to play was H.264. So it seems the H.264 setting in Media Portal Configuration is the "HD-Video" setting. So I need a real H.264 playback codec or to configure ffdshow to play it well. I guess I'll try coreavc unless anyone can recommend how to configure ffdshow to play the hd stuff back well.:D


    Portal Pro
    October 23, 2006
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    You can check which codec\filter is being used with graphstudio, just connect to remote graph when live tv's playing, this will give you input\filters\renderer information.

    To confirm the filetype you would need something like gspot and this will also give the same information as graphstudio.

    Never had broadcast HD, so yes possibly mpeg2 or h.264, gspot will tell you this.

    I got to thinking about my last post, and this post. I could tell what Vista MC was using to play the hd channel back using graphspot. So I downloaded it and checkt. It was using the Windows MPEG-2 component.

    Then I ran graphstudio while Media Portal was playing same HD channel and it was using ffdshow raw filter to play back the hd channel. In Media Portal Configuration the only thing ffdshow was configured to play was H.264. So it seems the H.264 setting in Media Portal Configuration is the "HD-Video" setting. So I need a real H.264 playback codec or to configure ffdshow to play it well. I guess I'll try coreavc unless anyone can recommend how to configure ffdshow to play the hd stuff back well.:D
    I know that people have FFdshow running HD video fine, but i have never been able to do this myself. That is why I tried CoreAVC which worked flawlessly for me. You can always just start out with the trial and see how it goes.
    I really think the price for it was worth it. I think I have alot of settings in ffdshow already, If I had to make some different ones whenever the content is HD, it would get really complicated. CoreAVC just plays everything, without any hazzle and very easy configuration.

    If someone could tell you how to get ffdshow to playback HD smoothly, it would be nice to save the money though :)


    Portal Pro
    April 29, 2008
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    France France
    Then I ran graphstudio while Media Portal was playing same HD channel and it was using ffdshow raw filter to play back the hd channel. :

    Go to ffdshow video decoder settings->codecs-> disable "raw video" in the codecs tab. If you have it enabled all raw stream data pass through ffdshow before being rendered


    Portal Member
    April 30, 2008
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    I have ATI hardware accelerated (AVIVO) on a 780G motherboard that use to decode BBC HD fine but a while back something changed and now i get the same as you slow frame rates but with audio fine.

    My aspect ratio is also wrong, does it go letterbox on you when you put BBC HD on?, PowerDVD fixes the aspect ratio but still slow frame rate...

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