Is there a control for MovingPictures to include the filesize of a selected movie file in detailsview? Like to add it under technical details in MovingPictures detailview. Can't find it in the skinningguide!
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Is there a control for MovingPictures to include the filesize of a selected movie file in detailsview? Like to add it under technical details in MovingPictures detailview. Can't find it in the skinningguide!
Is there a control for MovingPictures to include the filesize of a selected movie file in detailsview? Like to add it under technical details in MovingPictures detailview. Can't find it in the skinningguide!
MovPic config -> "About" tab -> "Advanced Settings" -> scroll to bottom -> "Internal", edit 'Skinners Debug Mode' to True and UPDATE.
Now with MediaPortal debug verbosity mode enabled for log files, you can navigate inside MovPic to any area you wish to modify the skin on to add extra details, and then examine the movingpictures.log file, and ALL the skin properties with skin label name as well as value are shown. I always prefer to access the movingpictures.log file from another computer either via concurrent RDP, or by setting up read/write access on the MediaPortal data folder. You can then even edit the skin directly and view the results within the GUI session you have open on your HTPC.
MediaPortal windowed mode (ALT+Enter) also works if you want to do it all on the same system.
Skinners guide can tell you the same obviously, but much easier to verify first hand the label+value and then copy and paste from the movingpictures.log file straight into the skin XML file and instantly see results of your work. Keep in mind that updates to some skin files do not work until you exit MovPic and re-open it, and some main files are only loaded once when MediaPortal loads and inits the plugins, so you then have to restart MePo.
I can't find any string like that in the log files with the settings enabled as you discribed above..
im sure there other local file properties worth adding as well.
#MovingPictures.LocalMedia.filesize.raw = "7037237755"
#MovingPictures.LocalMedia.filesize.localized = "6.55 GB"
#MovingPictures.LocalMedia.videobitrate.raw = "8807000"
#MovingPictures.LocalMedia.videobitrate.localized = "8.8 Mbps"
#MovingPictures.LocalMedia.audiobitrate.raw = "1509000"
#MovingPictures.LocalMedia.audiobitrate.localized = "1,509 Kbps"
#MovingPictures.LocalMedia.audiosamplerate.raw = "48000"
#MovingPictures.LocalMedia.audiosamplerate.localized = "48.0 KHz"
Done, the following new skin properties have been added for the next version v1.7:
Code:#MovingPictures.LocalMedia.filesize.raw = "7037237755" #MovingPictures.LocalMedia.filesize.localized = "6.55 GB" #MovingPictures.LocalMedia.videobitrate.raw = "8807000" #MovingPictures.LocalMedia.videobitrate.localized = "8.8 Mbps" #MovingPictures.LocalMedia.audiobitrate.raw = "1509000" #MovingPictures.LocalMedia.audiobitrate.localized = "1,509 Kbps" #MovingPictures.LocalMedia.audiosamplerate.raw = "48000" #MovingPictures.LocalMedia.audiosamplerate.localized = "48.0 KHz"