No, it does not have sound. I have tried removing all references to audio in the VODServer parameters, but this still did not work.
I will send a short direct recording from the ip camera shortly
TV Server (and probably MediaPortal too) is not able to handle video-only streams. If VODServer is generating a silent audio stream, it needs to be careful/accurate because timing for stream playback is very dependent on the audio stream. In other words, the slow motion video may be caused by the way VODServer is encoding the timing of the "fake" audio stream relative to the input video stream. Getting this right may be difficult.
... so I think that you should at least try to match the transcoding parameters to the camera frame rate (15 fps) and resolution (640 x 480) - (or possibly 30fps and 320 x 240)
I adjusted the ffmpegOutputParams to the following: -vcodec mpeg2video -s 640X480 -r 15 -flags cgop+ilme -sc_threshold 1000000000 -b:v 2M -maxrate:v 2M -bufsize:v 1.4M -acodec libmp3lame -f mpegts -
Notice the acodec change as well as no bitrate.
This change has helped a lot, although there is still a delay it has been reduced by at least half.
Thanks so much for your help, I think I am heading in the right direction
I was able to get a pretty acceptable picture with no delay using the following addition to the ffmeg parameters:
Thanks to everyone for their help!!