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- #11
Got it in one.
Move the dish, Store the position, Scan the channels and repeat.
It's hard to get signal sometimes however a little patience and it works.
Like I say there are 2 of us working on the diseqc solution for TV Server and it will become a lot more simpler.
Like the dreambox you will put in your lat and long. Then search for channels on the Satellites you want and the dish will automatically move.
DJBlue, thanks for the explanation!
This might be a little tricky, as the dish will be on the top of the building, 3 storeys from me I'm about to get channels from 4 satellites, so I will position the first, then scan it in Setup, then go upstairs, move manually the dish to the next position, scan again, and so on. for four times. Is it possible to move the dish from one sat to another with DVBViewer or other software? I mean, got the first sat, scan for channels in MP, then exit MP, move the dish with another software to the next sat, enter MP Setup, scan the sat - this way I might be able to skip the manually turning the dish?
Anyway, how is MP able to instruct the motor to turn the dish after I have scanned the channels on each sat? I mean after when watching liveTV I change a channel from one sat to another then MP will be able to instruct the motor to move the dish to the correct position?
If my motor doesn't support USALS, just diseqc 1.2, is it also simple to find the sats?
I know it is a work in progress, but when do you think you will have the support for diseqc implemented? Is this something we might have this year or a longer period?
Many thanks and keep up with the excellent job!
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