I posted this on another thread but they seem to be dead or out dated so please forgive me. I have a problem with my DVD rips (.vob files) taking up to 30 secs to play. I have had it for sometime now. It only seems to be slow when scanning .vob files. There is a 20 to 30 second delay in startup of .vob files. If you play .mkv or .avi there is only a 1 to 2 second delay in startup. If I delete the mediainfo.dll the delay disappears. I have attached my logs. I had to use moving pictures to play the files after deleting mediainfo.dll because myVideos wouldn't load the folder. But the delay is present in both myVideos and movingpictures. If I wrap my .vob files in a .mkv wrapper the delay goes away. I have noticed the delay time depends on the number of .vob files mediainfo has to scan. I really don't want to have to convert my .vob files to .mkv if I don't have to. If I need to convert them to .mkv files does anyone know of a good program to automate this? Any help is appreciated.