DVDraw/TS "stop" command fails - with plugin loaded (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
July 20, 2008
Hi, i'm totally not sure if it is related to this great plugin. But i noticed a problem.
I'll try to explain as simple as possible.

DVD raw mounted by deamon tools, or video TS - started through the normal file browser.

then the remote "stop" command fails. And i cant stop the video anymore.

This only happens with the plugin enabled, when disabled it works again.

I'm using a harmony remote + imon -> MCE configged.

Hopefully i am doing something silly, but for now i cant work it out.


Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 23, 2008
    South Central Wisconsin
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    Are you talking about the issue in MyVideos with playing iso files when MovingPictures is enabled?

    I have the same issue, didn't know if I should report it here, but a couple times it has been mentioned in other support threads (at least once by me). When you try to stop the iso then the GUI locks up and the video continues to play. Only way to exit is to use taskmanager. I didn't have any issues when I converted one of my iso files to a video.ts folder. The issue didn't effect iso's playing in MovingPictures, only MyVideos.

    The lock-up issue in MyVideos is gone after disabling MoPi. I use MyVideos for viewing other videos that aren't movies.

    Looks like I'm gonna be busy converting my 200 plus iso files.



    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 23, 2008
    South Central Wisconsin
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    United States of America United States of America
    Looks like I'm gonna be busy converting my 200 plus iso files.


    Why not wait for them to fix it. Seems a lot easier to me.

    Depends on who's issue it is.... SVNs are only supposed to be tested with no plugins .. so that kinda infers that issues that normally don't appear without the plugin have to be reconciled by the plugin dev and not an issue for the TEAM. I think it might be a tough one to trace, and since it is an isolated issue, the workaround would be recommended until it is finally figured out.

    I'm a little too impatient to wait, since it kills the immediate usefulness of MediaPortal.

    (I'm not suggesting that this will be an orphaned issue... its just the way software dev works)

    best regards,



    Portal Pro
    July 20, 2008
    Yes, chuck - thanks for explaining it a little better, but that seems to be the issue i am having here.
    I double checked, and yes it only seems to happen with iso files, not with video_ts as i mentioned before.

    I think this is indeed a big issue, cose as you already say, it makes MP a lot less usefull....an option ofcourse
    is converting the iso's. But imho its better to wait since its an open problem.


    Community Plugin Dev
    June 7, 2007
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    There are quite a few fixes in the playback logic coming in 0.7.1 that might resolve this issue. Should be releasing 0.7.1 tonight, so if the issue is not resolved post again, and I will try to take a look.


    Portal Pro
    April 15, 2008
    New Orleans, LA
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    United States of America United States of America
    There are quite a few fixes in the playback logic coming in 0.7.1 that might resolve this issue. Should be releasing 0.7.1 tonight, so if the issue is not resolved post again, and I will try to take a look.

    Cool. Let me know if you need my help. I can get that SVCD ISO back and try to get a log if I really needed to.

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