DVR-MS to AVI!!! (1 Viewer)


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  • July 28, 2004
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand

    Here is a way to convert DVR-MS files to AVI!!!...

    You will need the following files installed to get the right DirectShow Filters...
    Elcard MPEG decoder:
    A MP3 Encoder: I used Fraunhofer MP3 Codec Pro :wink:
    Divx Codec:
    Graph Edit:
    Trobettworks Filter Configurator:

    1. Start Graphedit then 'File' 'Render Media File'
    2. Select your *.DVR-MS file
    3. Insert the following filters into your graph:
    Audio Compressors - MPEG Layer-3
    DirectShow Filters - File writer (select your output
    filename with a *.avi extension). i.e Test.avi
    DirectShow Filters - Filter Configurator by Trombettworks
    DirectShow Filters - AVI Mux
    Video Compressors - DivX 5.2.1 Codec
    4. Select the 'Filter Properties' (right click) of the 'Filter Configurator'
    and set the properties for the DivX codec. I used a
    bitrate of 1000 and 1 pass quality.
    Note: You have to do this before you connect the pins otherwise GraphEdit will close.
    5. Delete the Video Renderer and Default Direct Sound
    device and if you have it the Morgan Stream Switcher.
    6. Connect the 'MPEG Audio Decoder' to the 'MPEG Layer-3' encoder.
    7. Connect the 'Elcard MPEG2 Video Decoder' to the 'DivX 5.2.1 Codec'.
    8. Connect the 'MPEG Layer-3' encoder and the 'DivX 5.2.1 Codec' to the 'AVI Mux' using DivX as Input 01 and MP3 as Input 02.
    9. The last connection is from the 'AVI Mux' to the 'File Writer'.
    10. Before you play right click on the 'Elecard MPEG2 Video Decoder' and go to Filter Properties.
    11. Click on the 'Settings' tab and ensure in the drop down box the 'Vertical Filter Deinterlace' option is selected then click OK.
    12. Now play the Graph. (Green Play Button)

    A progress indicator is under the Play Button which will be an indicator of how it is progressing.
    It will take about the same time as the length of the source file. i.e. 1hr 20minute source capture will take about 1hr 20mins to encode depending on the machine spec.

    Note: Cyberlink and Intervideo video decoders don't connect to the DivX Codec and hence why Elecard codecs are used.
    You will get a small watermark logo in the top right hand corner of the AVI file unless you have a regestered version of the decoder I suppose.

    I will try and find another MPEG-2 Decoder that will connect the the DivX encoder directly.



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