Enigma2 Settings Importer (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 15, 2012
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Italy Italy
Starting from the BlackBurn's idea of MPTVAdmin and from the "Import/Export section" of TV-Server Configuration sources, I tried to create a tv-server plugin for importing channels and groups from enigma2's file (at the moment it's tested with Vhannibal's Settings files).
This plug-in is just an Importer at the moment, maybe in future I will implement the exporter section.
I prefer to concentrate my energy to make more stable the importing section, and for this reason, any kind of help and suggestion, is really appreciate.

Actual Version
- Impoting files from Vhannibal's settings and DogSetting's settings exports
- Importing and optionally merging all tv/radio channels and groups
- Deleting channels, groups and their referred objects (TuningDetails, Programs, Conflicts, Histories, ChannelLinkageMaps, Recordings, Schedule) (*)
- progressbar showing status of current process
- label showing current process
- mapping channels to dvb-cards
- improved tuning details merging
- improved logging system with a better exception management
- bugfixes (some nullpointer)
(*) The check box option "Delete Existing Channels and Groups" may be really danger because the process use to delete all data referring to channels and groups that will be deleted (use it at your own risk).

- some tuning details are empty on some channels, to investigate
- when importing dvb-t channels from DogSetting's settings import bandwith is always set to 8Mhz...
- (*) to verifiy the Deleting operation because really delicate operation
- to verify the correctness of the mapping channel <---> right dvb-card (in
- improve logging system
- verify the merging of tuning details (in
- eliminate duplicates insertions in tuning details (at the moment seems to put some duplicates tuning details) (in
- give chance to view/choice groups to import and modify their names as in MPTVAdmin by BlackBurn
- management of multi satellite configuration (for now, it can import, but.. it's necessary more interaction with the user that know his configuration)
- possibility to select and download files from enigma2 settings's most popular sites
- any other good idea or bugfix
- mismatching between some scanned channels in mediaportal e scanned channels in dreamboxes, example:
DreamBox 'JSC Sports +3' Freq = 11296000
Mediaportal 'JSC Sports +3' Freq = 11303000
how can be????? HEEEELP!!! HEEEELP!!!
- when found double channels in same userbouquet only first is inserted
- improved tuning details merging
- improved logging system with a better exception management
- bugfixes (nullpointer)

- Impoting files from Vhannibal's settings and DogSetting's settings exports
- bugfixes (nullpointer and logics)

- Impoting files from Vhannibal's settings
- Importing and optionally merging all tv/radio channels and groups
- Deleting channels, groups and their referred objects (TuningDetails, Programs, Conflicts, Histories, ChannelLinkageMaps, Recordings, Schedule) (*)
- progressbar showing status of current process
- label showing current process

- mapping channels to dvb-cards

Installation instructions are in the attached archive.

IMPORTANT: If you want to try this software be sure to make a backup of yours channels, groups etc throw the Import/Export section.
(*) The check box option "Delete Existing Channels and Groups" may be really danger because the process use to delete all data referring to channels and groups that will be deleted (use it at your own risk).

A great thanks to:
- BlackBurn and DJblu for work on MPTVAdmin here
- cecet23 and Nephilim and all people from htpcitalia for their impressive work here and here
- Hornstar for the excellent documentation on enigma2 setting's lamedb file format here
- Morpheus883 for the excellent documentation on enigma2 setting's files formats here or here
- vhannibal.net and all other similar sites and all the people who give their time to keep it update
- all other developer and passionate of media center and htpc software partecipating on MediaPortal and Enigma2 progress

PS: My english isn't good, so maybe some phrase can be misunderstood. So, if something seems too strange, please ask, ok?
For sources release... is there a best practice for mediaportal tv-server plug-ins? (Repository, kind and other infos welcome - from all other documentation I did not understand perfectly).


  • Enigma2Settings.zip
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MP Donator
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  • February 13, 2007
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    Austria Austria

    thx for the plugin :) it's on my most wanted list :)

    i have tried it with settings from matze and with my own , but i get an error.
    are there any logfiles?


    MP Donator
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  • February 13, 2007
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    Austria Austria
    i have found this in error log from tvserve:

    2013-01-22 13:39:34.190384 [Importing thread(9)]: [Enigma2Settings]: ***** DEBUG_SECTION: CREATING CHANNELS AND MAPPING THEM TO ALL_CHANNELS GROUP, AND TUNING DETAILS *****
    2013-01-22 13:40:46.353012 [Importing thread(10)]: [Enigma2Settings]: Error during readBouqets on file userbouquet.dbe38.tv, exception:	bei System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
      bei System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
      bei Enigma2Settings.UserBouquet.AddServiceAndTransponderKeys(String userbouquetsLine)
      bei Enigma2Settings.Importer.importUserBouquet(String filePath, String fileName, String DEBUG_SECTION_IN)
    2013-01-22 13:40:46.353012 [Importing thread(10)]: [Enigma2Settings]: Error during readBouqets on file C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\enigma_2_astra_matze/bouquets.tv, exception:	bei Enigma2Settings.Importer.importUserBouquet(String filePath, String fileName, String DEBUG_SECTION_IN)
      bei Enigma2Settings.Importer.readBouqets(String filePath, Boolean isTv, String DEBUG_SECTION_IN)
    2013-01-22 13:40:55.244670 [Importing thread(10)]: [Enigma2Settings]: ***** DEBUG_SECTION: LOADING DATA TO IMPORT FROM ENIGMA2 SETTING'S FILES EXTRACTED *****
    2013-01-22 13:55:44.145028 [Importing thread(9)]: [Enigma2Settings]: ***** DEBUG_SECTION: CREATING CHANNELS AND MAPPING THEM TO ALL_CHANNELS GROUP, AND TUNING DETAILS *****


    Portal Member
    March 15, 2012
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    Hi este22,
    the plugin is in a very alpha phase. At the moment it log something on the file Error.log in folder C:/ProgramData/Team MediaPortal/MediaPortal TV Server/log/
    You can post content here... maybe usefuls settings files too

    imporve the logging system is in todo list... :D
    PM me settings files from those obtained that error please and I'll try to understand the problem
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    MP Donator
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  • February 13, 2007
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    Austria Austria
    hi, one post before your's the error,

    here the settings ...


    • enigma_2_astra_matze.zip
      53.3 KB


    Portal Member
    March 15, 2012
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    Italy Italy
    try the new version, there was some nullpointer here and there and a double channel in a userbouquet (that about the group "Beta Digital")
    You will found that some channels will be without tuning details at the end of the importing process, I'm investigating with it, for the moment... patience.
    For others channels... let me know if will be watchable, because my dish is on 13.0° E and I can't try yours bouquets.
    There is a lot of thing to understand yet here and consequential work, as reported in my TODO list.
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    MP Donator
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  • February 13, 2007
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    Austria Austria
    i have tried it on server without tv card. there only the groups were imported , not the channel. but i will try it in the evening with tvcard



    MP Donator
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  • February 13, 2007
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    Austria Austria
    i have tried to map it to the radio inbuild card. should that work or must it be a "real dvb card"?


    Portal Member
    March 15, 2012
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    During the importing process channels are mapped to a dvb-card if and only if:
    - the dvb card is selected and can tune the channel's service type.
    for example if you check a dvb-t card and tv channels, the process will try to map to that card every dvb-t channel founded in the folder of settings provided.In your case I don't know what is your radio inbuild card. If you speak about the RadioWebStream Card (builtin) the answer is no, because in yours settings you got only dvb-s services so you need to check a DVBS card.
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