i have tested yesterday.
it works but with some (small problems):
- if i map the cannels to two dvb cards the channel are dublicated.
- every channel is marked as scrambled (red symbos). (but free channel do work. so is only a small bug
Thanks to you!
For the first problem I will investigate and try to solve, for the second there is no information on enigma2 settings to understand if a channel is free to air or not, the solution to flag every channel as scrambled comes from cecet23 from htpcitalia forum and it works.
On my TODO's list there are others trouble too, one of worst is the mismatching channels frequencies, if you encounter some report here, I hope some one will help us on that, maybe a trouble of my dvb card? dunno
hi, this seems to work fine, but my enigma2 channel group "Favourites" is wrong. Channels are randomly organized instead of what took me 1 hour to organize in enigma2
why favourites organization isn't used like it was in enigma2?