EPG In Right-Click Context Menu Does Not Change Channel (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
February 14, 2008
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
TV-Server Version: 1.0
MediaPortal Version: 1.0
MediaPortal Skin: Monochrome
Windows Version: Vista x32
1. TV Card: Pinnacle 7010ix

Hi Everyone,

I had been using ESC to drop back to the main EPG, but just found that if i right-click the screen a context menu pops up with EPG listed, if i select that the EPG appears overlayed on the screen, with live TV still in fullscreen behind. This looks great and I would like to use this method.

However when i press enter on a program I want to tune to, or if i left click the program (in both cases the program is currently running, i.e on now) the EPG just dissapears without changing channel. Am I doing anything wrong, or is this a bug?

Also is there a shortcut key to this EPG on screen without right-clicking to get the menu first?


Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Just tried this and with ForTheRecord installed and it did not change channel as you said, uninstalled FTR and it worked.

    What plugins have you got installed.


    Portal Pro
    February 14, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Thanks For The Reply!

    Hmmm, I am using FTR too, other than that I have MovingPictures, MP-TVSeries, MiniDisplay and LastFM. Is there any reason why FTR would interrupt this? I guess it involves its replacement of the TV Module?


    Portal Pro
    February 14, 2008
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I have not done one before, so best for you to do it if you don't mind :)

    Could you post the link to it here when you have? Thanks for the support!

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