AW: Fanart Handler Plugin v2.2.4.301
Result: I still did not have any backdrop for my holiday video but now I also did not have any backdrop from MovingPictures in BasicHome (random MovingPictures) any more. I have to use random Movies instead in BasicHomeMenuEditor.....
After that I've added the Moving Pictures fanart and my own fanart manually in FH Config. Result, nothing excerpt I now have all Fanart laying around twice on my C: Drive. In Thumbs/Moving Pictures/Backdrops/Original and in Thumbs/Skin Fanart/UserDef/movies ... But FH did not use it at all. All path are default, nothing changed manually.
I'm using Win7 32 SP1, MePo 1.2, latest Backdrop Skin 1.0, latest MovingPictures 1.2.2 and latest fanarthandler
By the way, the issue with no fanart shown after starting Mepo I reported earlier in backdrop thread is still not fixed with new FH...
Now I have it "working" somehow. If I start MePo and wait at least 5 Minutes without doing anything than the custom fanarts are displayed. It seems that FH did not display the backdrop if they called while refreshing local media. The last log shows it costs about 4 Minutes and 8 seconds to refresh local media and if don't call fanart within this time it seems to work. This seems to be a bug and perhaps the same reason why I don't have backdrops in Basic Home after starting MePo...
I will install StreamedMP later to see if this is FanartHander or Backdrop Skin related and report results...
This is exact what I've tried first but this did not work Also I don't had set FileSize to 0x0. I've done this now (0x0), deleted Fanarthandler db as suggested and tried again...You don't need to use Videodatabase at all for that, just name your fanart as filename and put it in MPConfig \Thumbs\Skin FanArt\Scraper\Movies folder.
Result: I still did not have any backdrop for my holiday video but now I also did not have any backdrop from MovingPictures in BasicHome (random MovingPictures) any more. I have to use random Movies instead in BasicHomeMenuEditor.....
After that I've added the Moving Pictures fanart and my own fanart manually in FH Config. Result, nothing excerpt I now have all Fanart laying around twice on my C: Drive. In Thumbs/Moving Pictures/Backdrops/Original and in Thumbs/Skin Fanart/UserDef/movies ... But FH did not use it at all. All path are default, nothing changed manually.
I'm using Win7 32 SP1, MePo 1.2, latest Backdrop Skin 1.0, latest MovingPictures 1.2.2 and latest fanarthandler
By the way, the issue with no fanart shown after starting Mepo I reported earlier in backdrop thread is still not fixed with new FH...
Now I have it "working" somehow. If I start MePo and wait at least 5 Minutes without doing anything than the custom fanarts are displayed. It seems that FH did not display the backdrop if they called while refreshing local media. The last log shows it costs about 4 Minutes and 8 seconds to refresh local media and if don't call fanart within this time it seems to work. This seems to be a bug and perhaps the same reason why I don't have backdrops in Basic Home after starting MePo...
I will install StreamedMP later to see if this is FanartHander or Backdrop Skin related and report results...