Fast forward instead of step forward? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 26, 2009
Home Country
Hi there everyone,

Just a quick question for anyone out there that may be able to help, I was wondering if there is any way of having a standard fast forward option in MP instead of the Step Forward option that seems to be default?

If it's not clear, I mean like the fast forward most DVD players have where it plays at high speed until you tell it to play at normal speed. The step forward works but if you are trying to see where your skipping to it is next to useless.

Although it's not a huge issue, if anyone can offer any support it would be greatly appreciate.


Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Just to confirm, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x does not work for you, using the FF\RW buttons on remote (F5\F6 keyboard).

    Or if you use, cannot see any video.


    Portal Member
    January 26, 2009
    Home Country
    Ok... So your question got me playing with my set up again and yes, hitting F5/F6 does give me the 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x opperation however only if I press these on my keyboard. It would appear my remote is not mapped as good as I thought it was.

    My current set up is:

    Harmony One Remote
    IMON Pad - IMON receiver (I hate this damn thing)

    I have just tried to use short cutter but that does not seem to work. I suspect IMON has the correct f5/f6 setup (as I changed it) but for some reason the Harmony One is not sending this key out to the IMON receiver.

    If you happen to have any knowledge of this stuff it would also be greatly appreciated.

    I will also have change the title of this thread as it is not a MP Fast forward issue but a remote issue.

    I have had two months of trouble with my IMON/harmony setup and am tempted to just accept the current settings with the step forward instead but if you think you can offer some assistance I will worship the ground you walk on! :D

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