Feature suggestion - series specific placeholder for episode images (1 Viewer)


Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 25, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    If I may suggest something...

    When you have episodes that don't have an episode image to download from thetvdb it would be nice to have a placeholder image that's actually represent the current series. I'm thinking fan art background or something (as this wouldn't interfere with thetvdb's current system)?

    Most skins use a 16:9 sized episode image, so fitting fanart into it would be a snap. If you could add a "set this as episode background" button along with "download and use" and "use random backgrounds" for the tvseries.fanart.xml, that selected fan art would then appear instead of a blank folder or whatever the skinners use now for missing episode imagery. Prettier, yes?


    As you can see this is a rather poor mockup (reflection isn't from the fanart pic) but you get the general idea?

    Also, is it just me, or do everyone have to restart MediaPortal in order for newly selected fan art to appear? :D


    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 25, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
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    • #3
    But I don't watch 24.


    Well, that's your loss then. :p

    I thought about this some more and I believe that it's already possible with just some simple changes in the .xml files to use the current fan art backdrop for this. But the optimal way of doing this would require a unique id for the "episode image background", so you could have different fan art backgrounds, one as originally intended and one for missing episode images.

    *Off to test my theory*

    Edit: I have this working now. I'll even post a screen and the necessary changes if someone want's 'em. Still, being able to choose which fan art to use for this would be preferred.


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