[Films Plugin] Need Some Help - Anyone Interested? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
April 9, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Aright I have had a look at all the suggestions so far and there is problems with all of them.


When searching the database using the My Videos standard MP functionality - it sometimes provides bad matches, but generally the Data on there is correct, up to date and full. Another problem with this site is that the cover art is awful.


The problem with this site is that it doesn't always have full information, with details missing or short information. They also only have a small section of titles (as mentioned above - 275k). There is sometimes no cover art, but when there is its usually of good quality.


This site is just for cover art only. It has a large selection of high resolution coverart which is ideal. The only problem is that it doesn't have its own search feature, which means i am going to have to do a dirty-hack through googles search to find the posters.

What I think the best solution is:

Basically, my opinion is that, when the IMDB finds a match for the film you want, and the match is correct, it usually has the best data, so I believe that it is probably best to get the data from this site, just a different method to the conventional way.

For the coverart I think using "http://www.impawards.com/" is best as it has a large variety, which usually has a match for the film you want and it at a good resolution.


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  • September 17, 2005
    Or maybe allow user to select which grabber should be used in which priority? Separately for content (text) and images.
    That way I can specify that grabber for gaz1.com has priority number 1 for info, imdb then if not found etc..
    Same for graphic.. I'd want gaz1.com to be my priority for coverarts, then impawards, then imdb..

    Preferably use the scripting format for grabbers that are done for IMDB (introduced by Dukus), so any custom grabbers written for My Movies, could be used by your plugin as well.
    I am planning to write few grabbers for the sites I use, and it would be beneficial to have one format of grabbers, just use them in better (more optimized) way.


    Portal Pro
    April 9, 2006
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    These are features I'd like to include in the final thing yeah.....good ideas...


    Have you taken a look in this thread?

    Cheers :)


    I am writing the bit which will search IMDB at the moment.

    Could anyone give me a film which isn't matched properly in the My Videos plugin.

    As in an example of the filename and the film is should pick up. Maybe something like "Star Wars II", but it picks up "Star Wars" instead......



    Portal Pro
    April 9, 2006
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I am writing the bit which will search IMDB at the moment.

    Again, have a look at this url..
    Dukus implemented scripting support for the grabbers, and if you could keep your system compatible to it, it would benefit everybody.

    I can't read C# very well, I am a pretty novice programmer, so I don't really know how to implement that unless there is some documentation that will enlighten me?

    Also I thought one of the main problems with the standard imdb grabber is that is couldn't match up the films correctly?


    Portal Member
    November 20, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    I am writing the bit which will search IMDB at the moment.

    What will you use to search on? Are you using the name of the movie file, or the folder? Or is this something the user can choose for themselves?

    I don't know how you all have organized your movies, but I name my folder with the movie title and year, and don't change anything to the filenames. This way, i can easily find subtitles for the correct release without problem.

    For example:
    Foldername: "Pirates Of The Caribbean - At Worlds End (2007)"
    Filenames: mvs-potc3a.avi, mvs-potc3b.avi

    So if the search will use the filenames, then it will probably not get a lot of weird results, for most of my files.


    Portal Pro
    April 9, 2006
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Well what I want to eventually have is a Regular Expression Parser, so the user can get the film name out of the files or folders.

    I want everything to be customisable to the extent it can.

    Initially for the test release (very early release), it will simply do it on filename and it will assume the films will be in 1 file.


    I have actually nearly finished the first release of the data grabbar and was wondering if anyone was interested in starting to build the mediaportal frontend that will read off the xml file?


    Portal Pro
    April 19, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    Maybe some code from My TVSeries plugin is useful? At least some parts should be useful I guess. Check with Inker.
    Mirk has also been very helpful with quick updates of the skin file (Spinsafe Revolve) for that plug-in.
    Maybe he can help with the skin?

    I am not a programmer nor a skinner, only a proud MP user :)

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