For The Record 1.3.3 Released (1 Viewer)


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  • December 17, 2006
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    Did you also try a recompile of the client plugin?

    i tried, but I am still too stupid.
    I suspect that the problem is that I use VSExpress. Some error about solution-file not compatible. Is it suppose to work with express?

    Or it is a UBF (User Brain Failure :D)


    Portal Pro
    October 19, 2007
    When I press the info button after a watching a channel for some time the info displayed is that of the program when the channel was first selected not the current program.
    Using the keyboard, what key brings up this information? I tried with the 'Y' key and that seems to show the right information.

    In any case, I'm updating the player's program information more accurately now starting with 1.3.2 BETA 2. So if you can give me some more info I'll double-check this is fixed. Otherwise you'll be able to try this once 1.3.2 is done and made publicly available.

    This problem is still there in 1.3.2.
    I guess most people either do not use the Y key (or info button) or zap frequently so don't see the problem.

    You can see this problem if a channel is left on during a time in which the guide changes. In this case the info displayed by the Y key is that which was correct when the channel was first selected.


    Portal Pro
    June 13, 2006
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    Belgium Belgium
    This problem is still there in 1.3.2.
    I guess most people either do not use the Y key (or info button) or zap frequently so don't see the problem.
    Yeah, sorry about that, the fix just missed the 1.3.2 release. The fix will be in 1.3.3!

    Running Vista 32bit with a default user (no administrator privs). I also have an administrator user account as well.
    Thanks for the feedback, but this story surprises me since just last weekend we installed Steph's new server which is running Vista 64-bit. And we encountered absolutely zero problems. And this was with UAC left turned on.

    Something else that surprises me: isn't TV server's configuration program set up to run as administrator out of the box?


    MP Donator
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  • January 26, 2006
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    Future feature

    What about adding some (more-) killer features to 4tr:

    - place shifting (watching a show on one client, then pausing, going to another client and continuing where you stopped), same with music?
    - populate the channel/music watched/listened to other clients in the house, so that in every room there is the same showing/heard?
    - my private TV channel (automatic recording, based on viewing habits, and genre setup for example) ?

    sorry if this is kind of off topic, I was just wondering if something like this is on your roadmap/achievable?




    Portal Pro
    June 13, 2006
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    Belgium Belgium
    - place shifting (watching a show on one client, then pausing, going to another client and continuing where you stopped), same with music?
    This is already possible today, only you have to press stop instead of pause. Go to another machine and playback will resume from the point you stopped it on the first machine. This is something MediaPortal has been doing for a while, even without For The Record.

    - populate the channel/music watched/listened to other clients in the house, so that in every room there is the same showing/heard?
    Generally speaking, this would be a feature for MediaPortal itself. For The Record is about TV (with better radio support coming).

    - my private TV channel (automatic recording, based on viewing habits, and genre setup for example) ?
    Have you had a look at the Alerts and Suggestion feature in For The Record? These are ideal for defining what you like.

    Especially in 1.3.3 this will be even more useful since complex "contains" schedules have been sped up massively! :)

    In any case, thanks for the feedback!


    MP Donator
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  • January 26, 2006
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    Zitat von joystick
    - place shifting (watching a show on one client, then pausing, going to another client and continuing where you stopped), same with music?
    This is already possible today, only you have to press stop instead of pause. Go to another machine and playback will resume from the point you stopped it on the first machine. This is something MediaPortal has been doing for a while, even without For The Record.

    hmmm, does not seem to work on my machines, but thank you anyway, I just did not know that!! "Stopp" causes Timeshifting to be erased, or am I wrong?

    Zitat von joystick
    - my private TV channel (automatic recording, based on viewing habits, and genre setup for example) ?
    Have you had a look at the Alerts and Suggestion feature in For The Record? These are ideal for defining what you like.
    close, right. What I had in mind was something that Sceneo did in TVC. They had an additional channel on top of the channel list called "my Tv" that contained the recorded shows based on the viewing habits the software monitored while one was watching TV. You could however define vrious categories you wanted the software to monitor.




    MP Donator
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  • September 27, 2008
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    They had an additional channel on top of the channel list called "my Tv" that contained the recorded shows based on the viewing habits the software monitored while one was watching TV. You could however define vrious categories you wanted the software to monitor.
    forgive me, but that was a nice gimmick for 1% of all users...(no offence meant!)


    MP Donator
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  • January 26, 2006
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    ...well could be, however, I think the time and users are different, but even if not; Tivo is offering this kind of recording since the beginning of its service in NA, so I guess there actually are some people out there using something like this ("Tivo Suggestions").
    I think the end-users at sceneo did not use it for various reasons:
    - they did not want their box to record something they did not program (understanding issue)
    - The monitoring was not "fine configurable", e.g. when I tuned in a channel for the kids wanting to watch a show, there was no way to tell the system that I do NOT want to monitore the kids channels, therefor the system recorded a lot of crap. :)
    - recording was not done while you where watching anther show on TV (at least as far as I know)

    Maybe it is the time to take these lessons learned, and improve the monitoring etc. and implement it in 4tr, if wanted and feasible.
    I know that there was some else that wanted to program this kind of funktion for MP, I just thought it might be a cool feature for 4tr.




    Portal Pro
    June 13, 2006
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    hmmm, does not seem to work on my machines, but thank you anyway, I just did not know that!! "Stopp" causes Timeshifting to be erased, or am I wrong?
    My mistake: I was talking about recorded TV, you were talking about live TV :)


    Portal Pro
    October 23, 2006
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    Denmark Denmark
    I agree, Placeshifting would be great. The Work-around is to start a recording on the client you are watching, stop, shutdown, go to client #2, start the recording, from the beginning and you can start from where you left off. The problem here is if you have used Timeshift (is not watching the show 100% Live), since MediaPortal will not record the Timeshift buffer. You would then "miss" the part of the show that is from where you are watching up to the "Live" point of the show. This would be solved, when/if MediaPortal gets the possibility to record stuff that is in the Timeshiftbuffer, since you would also "placeshift" your timeshifted material.

    Even so, a dedicated "Placeshift" feature would be cool. Behind the scene it could be just a recording that is scheduled, and is not added to the actual recordings database and is deleted x-number of minutes/hours after it is started.
    I don't know how this would work, since the schedule must have an end time but the end time is not know at the time of the scheduling. Perhaps It is possible to have FortheRecord extend the recording time by 10 min, whenever there are 5 minutes to the currently scheduled end-time, and the recording is still being watched.
    I have no idea if this is even possible, but just something to think about.

    Something else: I don't know if its a ForTheRecord issue or a skin Issue, but here goes: I use StreamedMP. Whenever I "jump" in a recording/movie/etc (left/right Arrow, jump 15/30/60 secs etc.) I get shown the info-box (telling me what show is on) for the duration that the OSD is visible. Previously there were only a small bar, showing the time and how much I jumped.
    Is this the skin that has changed or is it ForTheRecord? It's pretty annoying, since there is not enough time to read it anyway :p

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