Freeze after watching 10-20 Minutes (1 Viewer)


New Member
September 26, 2004
Area: Media Portal Program
MP Version: RC 2.0 with daily CVS updates
Skin: Blue Two
Windows Version: XP SP2
CPU Type: Athlon XP 64 3500+ (2,2 Ghz)
Memory: 1024 MB PC 3200
Motherboard Chipset: Nvidia nforce3 250
Video Card: Radeon 7000
Video Card Driver:
Video Card Resolution: 1280x1024
Video Render Type: Overlay
Video Codec Type & Version: MPEG2 Dec Filter
Audio Codec Type & Version: MPEG/AC3/DTS/LCPM Audio Decoder
TV Card: Hauppauge WinTV 88x Video Capture
TV Card Type: software / hardware
TV Card Driver: Hauppauge WinTV 88x 2.75.21036.0g
Optional Log: 21.10.2005 16:01:24 CaptureCard Hauppauge WinTV 88x Video Capture NOT supported, no definitions found
21.10.2005 16:01:26 CaptureCard Hauppauge WinTV 88x Video Capture NOT supported, no definitions found
21.10.2005 16:09:58 SWGraph: FAILED connected crossbar:0->capture:0 0x80040217
21.10.2005 16:10:01 SWGraph: FAILED connected crossbar:0->capture:0 0x80040217
21.10.2005 16:10:04 SWGraph: FAILED connected crossbar:0->capture:0 0x80040217
21.10.2005 16:10:07 SWGraph: FAILED connected crossbar:0->capture:0 0x80040217

I had a working 0.1.3 version, but after installing and deinstalling 0.2.0 i've got the same errors. After 10-20 Minutes watching or while autotuning the channels my Display freezes and altough the sound keeps playing the system does not react anymore so i have to reset. I thougt this was a VideoCard error, but when I use the WinTV software everything works fine..


Portal Pro
January 31, 2005
Hill AFB, UT
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
I have the same problem with very similar logs entries. My tuner is a Roslyn 250 and I am useing VMR 9 renderless. I have no problems what so ever with 1.30 an d all of the CVS snapshots, but RC 2.0 TV, with and without timeshift, always randomly freezes for me. I have tried (almost) all CVS releases for 2.0 with no luck. Like I said my log is very similar but I can attach it anyway if it is needed.


Portal Member
November 15, 2005
Has no-one got the answer?

Tis post is rather old and i have the same problem. Did anyone solve this problem yet?



Portal Member
December 11, 2005
wishywashy said:
I have the same problem with very similar logs entries. My tuner is a Roslyn 250 and I am useing VMR 9 renderless. I have no problems what so ever with 1.30 an d all of the CVS snapshots, but RC 2.0 TV, with and without timeshift, always randomly freezes for me. I have tried (almost) all CVS releases for 2.0 with no luck. Like I said my log is very similar but I can attach it anyway if it is needed.


Same problems. Same Logs.


New Member
April 20, 2008
Home Country
Brazil Brazil
I have the same problem...
I'm watching the video (rmvb file) and the display lockup but the sound continues.. I wait.. and come back to normal.. but happening again and again.. I try everything..
I use Windows XP SP2...
Processor: AMD Semprom 2800+ - 768mb Ram
nVidia GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP 8X - 64 mb

the others players like WMP and Media Player Classic... are normal...100%
less MediaPortal...
Please I need help..
I like a lot this program


New Member
May 5, 2008
Home Country
Canada Canada
I have the same problem so hopefully someone will come along and give us the solution.

Paranoid Delusion

Moderation Manager
  • Premium Supporter
  • June 13, 2005
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    MP Version: RC 2.0 with daily CVS updates

    And the relation is, please use current MP reporting rules with specs (see link below) and logs collected from MPTestTool found in your start menu\mediaportal, and use the forum advanced + feature to upload them to your new Thread.

    Thanks, i know this may seem harsh, but by following these guidelines, it helps us to help you.

    ps. and welcome to MP :)

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