Hey guys, I know you have much bigger priorities with this plugin than something as silly as this, but I think it would be great fun if the Moving Pictures could twitter with the beginning and end of each movie. Something like "Pzycho has started watching Being There." and "Pzycho finished watching Being There."
Is anyone else interested in something like this or am I the only one?
From what I've read about the twitter API, if you have cURL installed on you system, the command is as simple as:
Now I'm not familiar with how this code for this plugin works, so I could by way off, but I just thought I'd mention the idea anyway.
Is anyone else interested in something like this or am I the only one?
From what I've read about the twitter API, if you have cURL installed on you system, the command is as simple as:
curl -u username:password -d status="your message here" http://twitter.com/statuses/update.json
Now I'm not familiar with how this code for this plugin works, so I could by way off, but I just thought I'd mention the idea anyway.