General Issues (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 1, 2009
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
TV-Server Version: Latest (Release
MediaPortal Version: Latest (Release
MediaPortal Skin: Bleazle
Windows Version: Windows Vista
CPU Type: AMD 3800 x2
Memory: 1.7GB
Motherboard: As-rock
Video Card: Nvidia 8200
Video Card Driver:
Sound Card: 5.1
Sound Card AC3:
Sound Card Driver:
1. TV Card: Nova-DVB-S
1. TV Card Type:
1. TV Card Driver:
2. TV Card:
2. TV Card Type:
2. TV Card Driver:
3. TV Card:
3. TV Card Type:
3. TV Card Driver:
4. TV Card:
4. TV Card Type:
4. TV Card Driver:
MPEG2 Video Codec:
MPEG2 Audio Codec:
h.264 Video Codec:
Satelite/CableTV Provider: Freesat
HTPC Case:
Power Supply:
Remote: Windows MC Remote
TV - HTPC Connection:

First of all I just wanted to say I only found MediaPortal on saturday so been playing around with it all weekend and it looks really promissing and would like to thank everyone who works on it.

Basicly I got fed up with MCE because of TV shows, Movies and it doesnt work very well with Freesat here in the UK, I've even tried Windows 7 and though I like the Interface on MCE is just doesnt do what I need so..

I've installed MediaPortal and got everything working pretty much (EPG, Freesat, TV Logos, Moving Pictures, TV Shows)

The problem I have is it seems when I have everything configure the way I want it MediaPortal seems to crash a lot and I've had to reload it twice already, Ill upload a zip file next time it happens but only just got it all working again the issues i've come across so far are.

TV Shows - Amazing plugin it looks amazing and works grate but is it possible to automaticly download Fan Art?

Bleazle Skin - My TV is a 47" LCD 1080p and it seems the skin has problem in that you can see ghosting effects in the background

TV Server - I like this much better than MCE but has a couple of bugs, It lets you go back in time on the EGP which doesnt really make sence to me, Im also unable to get TV server to stream to my laptop I just get a unknown error when I try and connect (I have disabled windows firewall with no joy)

One of the biggest things I think needs improving is

1. Start up time, it is really slow and my media center isnt a bad spec but it takes around 3-5mins to load up

2. Configuring TV Server/Mediaportal - This needs a more user friendly interface which can be access inside of MediaPortal

3. TV Interface - I would be nice to be able to delete channels from inside MediaPortal

Sorry if it sounds like im moaning lol just trying to help make MediaPortal a bit more userfriendly and giving feedback from my point of view as a new user.


a couple more things while i've been playing around (stuck at home in the snow)

When you record TV it seems to make the liveTV jerky

Is it possible to backup all my settings including TVShow infomation (cover art, fan art etc..) as having reloaded twice it would be nice not to have to do all this again, also at some point I wanted to try MP with Windows 7 see if its any better for me. :D


MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • March 7, 2007
    righthandside 3/4 way up
    Hi Madmunky
    couple of things you could try
    use the default blue3 skin to see if that gets rid of the crashing(always best to rule out the skin)
    turning the firewall off in control panel in vista doesn't always do it, i had to go into the "Windows Firewall With Advanced Security" and configure the firewall from there to allow my clents to connect to the server. this can be access by control panel ->administrative tools -> windows firewall with advanced security.

    on the slowness starting, i would post your log files and someone should be able to diagnose the problem


    Portal Member
    February 1, 2009
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Thanks for the replys im really enjoying MP it works so much better on HD files..

    I'll look into the things people have said and give them a try.

    As for startup times how long should it take to start bearing in mind all my TV Shows are stored on a network PC would this cause slow startup times or does this get loaded after MP has loaded?


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • March 7, 2007
    righthandside 3/4 way up
    mine takes about 15 - 20 second to start and all my tvshows, music and films are stored on a server in the garage
    onething to try is having the hostname in the tv client in config set to the ip address of your tv server, I rememeber this being a problem for me ages and ages ago
    but as said before, post your logs, it would really help, you can use the mediaportal logs collector under the mediaportal on the start menu to get them


    Portal Member
    February 1, 2009
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Log files as promissed, I havnt had the boot problem yet cause i've been too scared to reboot the computer since ive configured everything but it is still slow loading

    Thanks for any help :)


    Portal Member
    February 1, 2009
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I'll give that a try in a bit but I dont think it makes a difference as it was slow before i loaded TV Show.

    Is it possible to configure MP remotly via a web interface or any otherway as at the moment I have to remote connect to the PC and do it that way which is rather slow as I dont have a keyboard and mouse connect to my HTPC.


    Portal Member
    February 1, 2009
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    After a little more playing it seems its TV Server which is causing the slow start times, I've removed it and it now boots in seconds.

    Anyone got any advice on what I can look at as to why its so slow with the TV Server installed as I use MediaPortal to watch DVB-S also (Freeview)

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