AW: Re: Generic Keyboard/Remote Input Plugin
Did you meanwhile get an answer to this? I myself asked the same here, but only got a hint on the KeyboardPlugin - I saw several ppl in several threads asking the same, but never got an answer - are these combination codes a great secret or do we just have the wrong approach?
PS: it seems as if I found an answer to that question due to some indirect hints - maybe it helps you as well...
After reading and make some tests, I'm not sure if this plugin can do what I want.
I've installed Audio Renderer Changer plugin, which is a process plugin to switch the Windows audio renderer on the fly (good if you want to switch HDMI / SPDIF audio quickly). This plugin activates only by a keypress: By default is Shift+Ctrl+k, but can be defined by the user. The plugin doesn't have a context menu, nor a window ID to be called.
The question is: How can I set a button of my original MCE remote to send (or emulate or simulate or whatever) the key defined on that plugin? In other words, how can I assign a keypress (i.e. shift+ctrl+k) to a button on the remote?
Did you meanwhile get an answer to this? I myself asked the same here, but only got a hint on the KeyboardPlugin - I saw several ppl in several threads asking the same, but never got an answer - are these combination codes a great secret or do we just have the wrong approach?
PS: it seems as if I found an answer to that question due to some indirect hints - maybe it helps you as well...