Getting an effective EPG for UK programs (3 Viewers)


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September 25, 2012
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Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
Hi all - am a newbie to all this. Have just built my own HTPC and it is working fine. It has a TBS 6981 DVB-S2 installed in it. I have scanned all the channels into MP fine and sorted the channels fine .But the EPG is a nightmare. I have enabled the WEBEpg Plug in and mapped the channels but still there are large holes in it. (even Channel 5 SD is not there!!!) Would I be better off installing a a DVB-T2 card instead - is the EPG info available to a terrestrial aerial card better than to a satellite card ? I do have to admit that despite being relatively comfortable with technology I am finding this particular situation a bit of a chore - I had sort of expected to be able to replicate the knid of of EPG that I get with my Humax Freesat box a bit more easily than this!! (also one strange thing is that the channel scan doesn't seem to have picked up BBC3 or BBCy4 - maybe have to do fresh channel scan


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July 13, 2008
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I may be misunderstanding you here - but the WEBepg plugin doesn't get the program data from the satellite (or from a DVBT feed either). It gets the data from the WEB based source you choose. As you mention Channel 5 I guess you're in the UK, like me. I use the Radio Times site and get everything I want. Do this and I think you'll find you get a vastly superior set of guide data (14 days for a start) and the full program description as it is in the Radio Times. If ypou haven't already done so, have a look in the Wiki here -

Works fine for me.


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    You can get the Freesat EPG. Search on here as you need to set it to grab from the freesat info channel and it will then be tree same as you humax box

    And one feature of MP and Freesat is that off air channels are not picked up. Presumably you did the scan before 7pm? Do it again after 7 pm and the channels will appear.

    This is the most fiddly bit but once setup it will then just work


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    September 25, 2012
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    "You can get the Freesat EPG. Search on here as you need to set it to grab from the freesat info channel and it will then be tree same as you humax box"

    Where can I get or the "radio times site" info from and how do I configure MP123 to do this grabbing? Searching round the threads is confusing in itself as some info is outmoded and phrased in ways that are fairly incomprehensible to a newb like myself. I found a wiki tutorial link for UK EPG Radio Times installation but that turned out to be dead link.

    Sorry to be a pain but I'm getting confused and thinking of throwing the towel in and just going back to the humax box - which would be a shame cos I have everything else done. Just a few direct instructions would be great or a link to a functioning tutorial for newbies![DOUBLEPOST=1348604693][/DOUBLEPOST]I configured Web EPG in the plugins - but it doesn't sound like and or radio times operate in the same way.


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  • January 27, 2005
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    "You can get the Freesat EPG. Search on here as you need to set it to grab from the freesat info channel and it will then be tree same as you humax box"

    Where can I get or the "radio times site" info from and how do I configure MP123 to do this grabbing? Searching round the threads is confusing in itself as some info is outmoded and phrased in ways that are fairly incomprehensible to a newb like myself. I found a wiki tutorial link for UK EPG Radio Times installation but that turned out to be dead link.

    Sorry to be a pain but I'm getting confused and thinking of throwing the towel in and just going back to the humax box - which would be a shame cos I have everything else done. Just a few direct instructions would be great or a link to a functioning tutorial for newbies![DOUBLEPOST=1348604693][/DOUBLEPOST]I configured Web EPG in the plugins - but it doesn't sound like and or radio times operate in the same way.

    As above, the Web EPG grabber gets its data from various internet sites. If you want the Freesat EPG then this is part of the transmission stream so disable the Web EPG plugin then configure the DVB EPG stuff

    look at and


    New Member
    September 25, 2012
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    Thank you - all you guys. I managed to get my epg populated fully last night and the threads you pointed me at gave a wealth of useful info and tips. Now having got my tbs6981 dual sat tuner up and running it has given me the confidence to start again - I've realised that a dual tuner card will not be man enough for the job I want!. I only have one pci-e slot on my mobo - (mini atx) so I have gone for a quad tuner HD DVB-T (could have had quad sat tuner but then would have had all all the hassle of running extra two cables from my lnb - whereas I already have high gain antenna feed sitting there doing nothing which can feed all four DVB-T tuners by itself and provide a feed thru to the freeview tuner included on the tv). In order to have at least one DVB-S2 feed I have ordered a Qbox S2 USB tuner to plug in via a usb port - then will have 5 tuners in total . I am presuming when I have all this installed I do the scan on the DVB-T tuners then on the DVB-S tuner then merge DVBS to DVBT as suggested in your threads . I also like the idea of using the sky features such as described using Miroslav's modded 1.3 Alpha version of MP.

    I'm going for as high spec as possible because I want this to be a server machine that eventually can stream programming all over the house. I have 5 machines (inc this one) all running Win7 Ult and all networked via ethernet links and Win7 Homegroup. Is this possible to do via Media Portal/Win 7?

    Once again thanks - who knows when I've done all this I might write a "for dummies" guide to setting up your satellite card as I'd assumed (wrongly) that once I'd installed the card it would be pretty much plug and play as regards the EPG etc. If I do I'll post links to it on this thread so it can be found.
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  • October 25, 2011
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    No problems. Regarding a dummies guide, there would be a lot of benefit in going through all the relevant posts and adding the information to the official wiki.

    I always think about doing this but never seem to be able to find the time!!!


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  • May 5, 2009
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    No problems. Regarding a dummies guide, there would be a lot of benefit in going through all the relevant posts and adding the information to the official wiki.

    I always think about doing this but never seem to be able to find the time!!!

    It is already in progress, but I am finding it difficult to get free time to complete it.

    I am in the process of transferring the appropriate elements of my AVForums guide (which @jameson_uk kindly linked to) into a new Wiki Guide here:

    ANY member of the MediaPortal community can help contribute to this task (and any other Wiki content). If people want to get stuck in helping with the guide, then PM me to let me know what items on the "to do list" you can take on, then update the to do list when you are complete. If anyone is keen to get involved in documentation, then please get in contact with a member of the Docs Team, or contact @Dadeo (Doc Team Manager)



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