Getting MediaPortal to support your tv-card:
First check the list below if your tv-card is already supported .
An updated list is maintained ::here::
Now if you have got a tv capture card which is not yet on the list then you can help us.
Please note. This only applies to:
- PVR or MCE cards (i.e. Cards with an onboard MPEG2 encoder)
- Digital TV cards (DVB-C/S/T or ATSC) which have BDA drivers
Other cards will not be considered at this time
What do we need from you ?
- a screenshot of graphedit showing all filters for your card
- the filter moniker strings & filter names
How do you get this information?
For this you'll need graphedit. This is a simple application which comes from the DirectX SDK
You can download it here:
Ok, i got graphedit, now what?
Ok, here's what to do:
1. start graphedit
2. choose Graph->insert filters
3. In the list locate all filters for your TVcard
4. Insert each filter found for your TVcard
5. copy & paste the 'filter name' & 'Filter Moniker' for each filter you found in a ms-word document
The filter moniker is shown on the bottom of the dialog when you select a filter
A filter moniker looks like this:
@device:cm:{4EFE2452-168A-11D1-BC76-00C04FB9453B}\Default MidiOut Device
6. Make a screenshot of graphedit showing all filters you inserted (alt+printscreen)
7. Copy the screenshot in the word document (ctrl+v)
So now you have a word document with
- filter names and filter monikers
- a screenshot of graphedit
8. mail this to and make sure to mention...
a. The offical card name
b. A web link to the products information
c. A web link to the products drivers
First check the list below if your tv-card is already supported .
An updated list is maintained ::here::
Now if you have got a tv capture card which is not yet on the list then you can help us.
Please note. This only applies to:
- PVR or MCE cards (i.e. Cards with an onboard MPEG2 encoder)
- Digital TV cards (DVB-C/S/T or ATSC) which have BDA drivers
Other cards will not be considered at this time
What do we need from you ?
- a screenshot of graphedit showing all filters for your card
- the filter moniker strings & filter names
How do you get this information?
For this you'll need graphedit. This is a simple application which comes from the DirectX SDK
You can download it here:
Ok, i got graphedit, now what?
Ok, here's what to do:
1. start graphedit
2. choose Graph->insert filters
3. In the list locate all filters for your TVcard
4. Insert each filter found for your TVcard
5. copy & paste the 'filter name' & 'Filter Moniker' for each filter you found in a ms-word document
The filter moniker is shown on the bottom of the dialog when you select a filter
A filter moniker looks like this:
@device:cm:{4EFE2452-168A-11D1-BC76-00C04FB9453B}\Default MidiOut Device
6. Make a screenshot of graphedit showing all filters you inserted (alt+printscreen)
7. Copy the screenshot in the word document (ctrl+v)
So now you have a word document with
- filter names and filter monikers
- a screenshot of graphedit
8. mail this to and make sure to mention...
a. The offical card name
b. A web link to the products information
c. A web link to the products drivers