Hauppage Remote Control Plugin (3 Viewers)


Portal Member
May 4, 2005
Hi mpod,

the down button was already twiece.

here is the log :
06.07.2005 08:49:00 Mediaportal is starting up
06.07.2005 08:49:00 Set current directory to :C:\Programme\MediaPortal
06.07.2005 08:49:00 Set registry keys for intervideo/windvd/hauppauge codecs
06.07.2005 08:49:00 verify that directx 9 is installed
06.07.2005 08:49:00 verify that windows mediaplayer 9 or 10 is installed
06.07.2005 08:49:00 Check if mediaportal is already started
06.07.2005 08:49:00 delete old log\capture.log file...
06.07.2005 08:49:00 Check skin version
06.07.2005 08:49:00 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
06.07.2005 08:49:00 Init playlist player
06.07.2005 08:49:00 creating the WINLIRC device
06.07.2005 08:49:00 Initialising WinLirc...
06.07.2005 08:49:00 WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
06.07.2005 08:49:00 Winlirc process not found
06.07.2005 08:49:00 done creating the WINLIRC device
06.07.2005 08:49:00 Init players
06.07.2005 08:49:00 initializing DirectX
06.07.2005 08:49:00 start fullscreen
06.07.2005 08:49:00 ClientSize: 800x600 screen:800x600
06.07.2005 08:49:00 HCW: Repeat-delay: 1043
06.07.2005 08:49:00 texturemanager:dispose()
06.07.2005 08:49:00 TexturePacker:Dispose()
06.07.2005 08:49:00 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
06.07.2005 08:49:00 load localized strings from:language\German\strings.xml
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1016 text:program starts in 5 mins
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1015 text:Don't notify me when program begins
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1014 text:Notify me when program begins
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1013 text:Would you like to record the second part also?
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1012 text:This program will be interrupted by
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1011 text:Biography
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1010 text:Watched
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1009 text:Downloading coverart
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1008 text:Queue
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1007 text:Cancel recording and maintain watching tv
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1006 text:Allow recording to begin
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1005 text:eek:n channel
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1004 text:About to start recording
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1003 text:for transcoding to xvid
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1002 text:Elecard MPEG2 video decoder installed
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1001 text:please note. You'll need to have the
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:1000 text:TV Recordings from dvr-ms into mpg, xvid or wmv
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:999 text:This plugin allows you to transcode your
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:998 text:XviD
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:997 text:Completed
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:996 text:selected recordings?
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:995 text:Are you sure to compress the
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:994 text:Enable Auto compress
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:993 text:Custom
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:992 text:Delete original file
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:991 text:priority
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:990 text:Bitrate
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:989 text:FPS
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:988 text:Quality
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:899 text:WMV
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:898 text:MPEG-2
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:897 text:confused:ettings
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:896 text:Compress
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:895 text:Auto compress
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:894 text:Compress TV Recordings
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:893 text:portable
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:892 text:Conflicts
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:891 text:confused:elect TV Channel
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:889 text:All episodes
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:888 text:Episodes Management
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:887 text:confused:pecify number of episodes to keep
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:886 text:Default
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:885 text:High
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:884 text:Medium
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:883 text:Low
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:882 text:Quality setting
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:881 text:Choose recording to stop:
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:880 text:Time to record:
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:879 text:Recording conflict
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:878 text:confused:torage
06.07.2005 08:49:01 language file:language\German\strings.xml is missing entry for id:877 text:priorities
06.07.2005 08:49:02 Load fonts from skin\BlueTwo\fonts.xml
06.07.2005 08:49:02 fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
06.07.2005 08:49:02 Loaded font:debug height:12 texture:512x512 chars:[32-255] memleft:184549376
06.07.2005 08:49:02 Loaded font:font10 height:10 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] memleft:184549376
06.07.2005 08:49:02 Loaded font:font12 height:12 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] memleft:184549376
06.07.2005 08:49:02 Loaded font:font13 height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] memleft:184549376
06.07.2005 08:49:02 Loaded font:font14 height:14 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] memleft:184549376
06.07.2005 08:49:02 Loaded font:font16 height:16 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] memleft:184549376
06.07.2005 08:49:02 Loaded font:font18 height:18 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] memleft:184549376
06.07.2005 08:49:02 Loaded font:dingbats height:25 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-256] memleft:184549376
06.07.2005 08:49:02 Loaded font:font32 height:33 texture:256x256 chars:[48-59] memleft:184549376
06.07.2005 08:49:02 Loaded font:font48 height:50 texture:512x512 chars:[48-59] memleft:184549376
06.07.2005 08:49:03 Loaded font:font72 height:75 texture:512x512 chars:[48-59] memleft:184549376
06.07.2005 08:49:03 Loaded font:fontSVT height:13 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] memleft:184549376
06.07.2005 08:49:03 Load skin BlueTwo
06.07.2005 08:49:03 LoadWindowPlugins()
06.07.2005 08:49:03 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\Dialogs.dll
06.07.2005 08:49:03 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\DotMSN.dll
06.07.2005 08:49:03 Load plugins from :plugins\windows\WindowPlugins.dll
06.07.2005 08:49:03 Opening music database
06.07.2005 08:49:03 music database opened
06.07.2005 08:49:03 Loading references from skin\BlueTwo\references.xml
06.07.2005 08:49:03 original skin size:720x576
06.07.2005 08:49:03 Init MPScript
06.07.2005 08:49:03 C:\Programme\MediaPortal\scripts
06.07.2005 08:49:03 opening tvdatabase
06.07.2005 08:49:04 tvdatabase opened
06.07.2005 08:49:04 xml:skin\BlueTwo\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
06.07.2005 08:49:04 xml:skin\BlueTwo\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
06.07.2005 08:49:04 WindowManager.Load
06.07.2005 08:49:04 load calibration800x600.xml
06.07.2005 08:49:04 WindowManager.Preinitialize
06.07.2005 08:49:04 TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
06.07.2005 08:49:04 texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\black.bmp total:0 mem left:184549376
06.07.2005 08:49:04 WindowManager.ActivateWindow
06.07.2005 08:49:04 xml:skin\BlueTwo\home.xml image id:1000 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
06.07.2005 08:49:04 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
06.07.2005 08:49:04 skin initialized
06.07.2005 08:49:04 DX9 size: 800x600
06.07.2005 08:49:04 video ram left:180224 KByte
06.07.2005 08:49:05 HCW: Terminating external control: attempt #1
06.07.2005 08:49:05 HCW: Internal control enabled
06.07.2005 08:49:05 running...
06.07.2005 08:49:05 Mediaportal.OnStartup()
06.07.2005 08:49:05 Recorder: Loading capture cards from capturecards.xml
06.07.2005 08:49:05 Recorder: card:1 video device:Hauppauge Nova USB2 DVB-T TV Receiver TV:True record:True priority:1
06.07.2005 08:49:05 Recorder: tv channel changed:confused:AT1
06.07.2005 08:49:24 PlugInManager.Load()
06.07.2005 08:49:24 Load plugins from :plugins\process\HCWPlugin.dll
06.07.2005 08:49:24 Load plugins from :plugins\process\ProcessPlugins.dll
06.07.2005 08:49:24 PlugInManager.Start()
06.07.2005 08:49:24 HCW: Version
06.07.2005 08:49:24 HCW: Internal control enabled
06.07.2005 08:49:24 PowerScheduler: version 0.3
06.07.2005 08:49:24 PowerScheduler: Settings loaded - wakeup 4, shutdown 15, mode Hibernate
06.07.2005 08:49:24 PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer activated, automatic shutdown in 15 minutes
06.07.2005 08:49:31 HCW: Repeat Count: 3
06.07.2005 08:49:31 HCW: Remote Code : 30
06.07.2005 08:49:31 HCW: Key Code : 20
06.07.2005 08:49:31 HCW: [PVR2] Command UP
06.07.2005 08:49:32 HCW: Repeat Count: 3
06.07.2005 08:49:32 HCW: Remote Code : 30
06.07.2005 08:49:32 HCW: Key Code : 21
06.07.2005 08:49:32 HCW: [PVR2] Command DOWN
06.07.2005 08:49:32 HCW: Repeat Count: 3
06.07.2005 08:49:32 HCW: Remote Code : 30
06.07.2005 08:49:32 HCW: Key Code : 21
06.07.2005 08:49:32 HCW: [PVR2] Command DOWN
06.07.2005 08:49:34 PowerScheduler: next scheduled event 01.01.2100 01:00:00 triggered by: Power Scheduler
06.07.2005 08:49:34 PowerScheduler: Set wakeup timer at 01.01.2100 00:56:00
06.07.2005 08:49:44 Mediaportal.OnExit()
06.07.2005 08:49:44 Card:1 stop
06.07.2005 08:49:45 HCW: Enabling external control
06.07.2005 08:49:45 PlugInManager.Stop()
06.07.2005 08:49:45 PowerScheduler: Stop()
06.07.2005 08:49:45 Mediaportal.OnExit()
06.07.2005 08:49:45 MediaPortal done
06.07.2005 08:49:45 open folderdatabase

Thanks for your help


Portal Pro
January 26, 2005
Home Country
Germany Germany
Okay. To me it seems that you are using an old version of the plugin. There have been many things fixed, including filtering such double-events. So please update to the latest version of Media Portal (currently pre). You don't need the plugin anymore, it's already integrated into that Media Portal version. Be sure not to use the plugin DLL then, otherwise, nothing would work anymore at all.


Portal Member
May 4, 2005
I'm a little bit confused now, because I've the actual version of MP 0.1.3pre. Before this one I've used 0.1.2 with the last cvs.
When I'm installing a new version, first I deinstall the old one with the Windows software manager and then I do the new installation ?!

What I'm not doing, is ckecking if there are still files in the folder, could this be the problem ?



Portal Pro
January 26, 2005
Home Country
Germany Germany
Yes, could be. There may not be a HCWPlugin.dll in plugins\process for pre and above anymore. If it still exists, remove it, please.


Portal Member
January 10, 2005

i use 1.3.0pre now and the plugin works fine except when in tv mode ... after a couple of actions on the remote it locks up. I have to do a restart to make the remote work again (hauppauge software gives an error). I had this problem al along and since reinstalled my pc a couple of times. All dependencies are taken care of and i use the most up to date plugin from the hauppauge website.

Any suggestions ?


Portal Pro
January 26, 2005
Home Country
Germany Germany
Nebra said:

i use 1.3.0pre now and the plugin works fine except when in tv mode ... after a couple of actions on the remote it locks up. I have to do a restart to make the remote work again (hauppauge software gives an error). I had this problem al along and since reinstalled my pc a couple of times. All dependencies are taken care of and i use the most up to date plugin from the hauppauge website.

Any suggestions ?
For pre and later cvs versions no HCWPlugin.dll is needed any longer. If you got it, remove it. If not, never heard of that problem before. Maybe you can post more details (support template/log)? But if you really don't have that HCWPlugin.dll anymore, this sounds more like a driver or card problem.

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