Hauppauge 2250 BSOD scanning for Analog Channels (1 Viewer)


New Member
January 14, 2013
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United States of America United States of America
I seen other issues on this forum, some indicating down grading the 2250 driver sometimes works but I haven't gotten anything to work.

The card works fine in WinTV and Windows Media Center. NextPVR also scans the channels just fine.

However with MediaPortal, the card is recogonized and I create "Hybrid 1" and "Hybrid 2" groups. I can scan the QAM channels and over 200 are found, however most of them are encrypted (Time Warner, San Antonio).

When I attempt to scan the analog tuner I get a BSOD. Sometimes it happens at channel 2, sometimes I can make it to a channel in the "teens", but in all cases I get the BSOD.

I can tune and watch the QAM channels so the rest of the application seems to work fine.

I started with a fresh install of Win7 64-bit and the latest drivers from Hauppauge. I also tried the drivers that came on the CD. No such luck.

I tried looking for the log files but couldn't find the right one.

Thanks for any help.


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