is it possible with MP2 to hear music with running Live-TV in the background (only video stream running in background) or in a small window?. Would be great when I could hear music while commercials are running on TV.
You miss-read I was saying that you can not assume that because MP2 supports PIP that it would support playback of 2 separate audio clips and outputting them unmixed to 2 separate sound devices... It would have to support different audio devices for each player. I don't know if it could do that, but it sounds like a separate (but slightly related) feature.
I think this is not possible. You can output only one audio stream -> commercial (TV) is muted and you can hear music but not both audio stream. Correct me if I am wrong.
Confirmed - at the moment you can only hear one music source at a time.
But I think this was not the original question - The question was whether you can listen to music (=1 audio stream), while you watch TV (=1 video stream). I have never tried it with music and video - only with 2xvideo (=pip). But I would bet it works