Help! Drivebender & TVserver problems (1 Viewer)


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  • March 17, 2012
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    I've migrated fully back to TVServer but now have an issue with my server. It runs drivebender to manage my JBOD architecture, but it appears that if I set TVE3 to record to the mount point (E:/recorded TV) and then I try to watch the same channel (even though live tv is set to stream from a ram drive) both the live stream and the recording are messed up with heavy pixelation but recording to the mount point and watching a different channel is fine. If I write the recorded TV to a seperate non-pooled drive or partition then everything is good and I can watch the same channel that is being recorded.

    Does anybody else use drivebender in this way? System was fine when it was running Argus Scheduler between TVE3 and MP.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    As usual, if you want team input you'll need to provide logs. :)


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  • March 17, 2012
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    Yeah I know, I'm at work so can't do that right now but thought I'd throw the question out to the Forum and see if any other user had suffered similar issues. I'll get logs later on. I'm hoping it's not got anything to do with DJBlu's modified TSWriter as that would be a bummer!


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  • September 1, 2008
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    I'm hoping it's not got anything to do with DJBlu's modified TSWriter as that would be a bummer!
    Pure speculation... that is possible if his TsWriter is more I/O intensive (read: uses the HDD more heavily)... which I would suspect it does.
    First thing I'd do if I were you is do an A/B test with and without the patch.
    As a dev all I can do with the logs is ensure TV Server is actually using the drives you think it is and confirm the issue is server side related to TsWriter.
    Beyond that you'll likely need more specialised help from people that know drivebender and/or @DJBlu since you're using one of his patches (technically this issue should be posted in his thread).


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  • March 17, 2012
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    Drive Pooling is probably used by a limited number of users, and I thought it would be worth my while asking generally if anyone had any trouble with that particular peice of software and MP. I was waiting for confirmation or other views before diving back in to his thread as I didn't want to post any more stuff until I was reasonably certain about the cause.

    Anyway, I'll look at the logs later and see what it says. Technically, Drivebender creates a mount point that acts like a HDD so TSWriter should see a drive called E:/ The rest is managed by the kernal drivers in terms of drivepooling and balancing, the OS does not see any different to any other drive... but you could be correct about the I/O operations as drivebender does seem to have limited my drive read capacity to something around 10MB/s before falling apart... \


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  • March 17, 2012
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    Rightio here is a log. a very large amount of continuity errors are present. @DJBlu is this likely to be something from what you've changed? If so I'll bring this thread in to your thread.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    Are you able to supply all TV Server logs?
    With the TsWriter log by itself we can't correlate plugin activity with the continuity errors...


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  • March 17, 2012
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    Right so for some reason one of Drive Benders options was messing with TVE and writing to the JBOD pool. Turned of I/O smoothing and its all good now!

    Cheers for the assistance :)

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