Help needed for the best setup possible (1 Viewer)


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  • August 15, 2011
    Abu Dhabi, UAE
    Home Country
    Greece Greece
    Hi guys, I am trying to achieve the best possible setup for audio through media portal in my system. I read the wikis and then looked around forums but since i am a noob i am not confident that my setup is the best. I've been reading about wasapi and Media portal audio renderer and that bit streaming is not affected if you select MPAR over Wasapi but in forums it is not clear what will work best for me. So please advise

    My Hardware (only the related parts):
    I run media portal on a htpc connected via HDMI to my receiver a PRIMARE SP33, this then connects to a dedicated stereo amp for the front two channels (Custom made A class amp) and a PRIMARE A30.7 seven channel amplifier that handles the C, RR, RL, SRR, SRL speakers. I have no subwoofer since my front two speakers pack plenty of bass (Klipsche KLF 30). I know the subwofer adds a different twist to movies but I don't consider it a priority for the moment.

    My use:
    I watch movies and series in all audio formats since I can support it. I also listen to music primarily from files and I use only lossless (.flac/.aiff/ and apple lossless) rips from CD and have an extensive collection of higher definition audio up to 24/192.

    My Intent:
    I want to listen to audio that is as less processed as possible, (ideally bitperfect) but I would like that to be recognised from my receiver for what it is. So if the source is dolby I would like it to be recognised by my receiver as such, more importantly if stereo to be recognised as such.

    My SP33 has an excellent internal DAC, but it doesn't have usb input, so I can only send data over HDMI from the HTPC.

    Side Question: Will I need to buy a separate DAC to connect via USB to my HTPC in order to achieve audio greatness in stereo, or media portal can cover me over HDMI?

    All advise is welcome

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