I think there is still an EPG issue with the latest Tswriter file within the SVN. I have only gotten this to work 1 time for the 9 day guide. This seems to always work for the 2 day guide or the 44 hour guide. I think what is happening is the 44 and 2 day guide come over on 0x0012 pid. I don't think there is an issue in pickup up pid 0x0012. However, I think there is an issue when you tune to a channel that has the 44 hour guide and ALSO the 9 day guide. The 9 day guide comes in on Pid 0x0300. What I think is happening is the grabber is seeing pid 0x0012 first and starts to process that instead of looking to the 0x0300 pid. I have a feeling that its just going in order and sees the 0x0012 first and doesn't continue on to pid 0x0300, even if it's there. Can someone take a look at the code and confirm if a channel that has both pids, will look at the bigger one first?