Hi, thanks, some reworked icons and my first contact with xml (1 Viewer)


New Member
April 3, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
Last update: 10-Apr-09 - all changes in red

Let me start with: Hi
Because this is my first post/thread in this great forum which has helped me alot to setup my first HTPC.
When I use open source software, I'm normally trying to give something back to the project, devs or community.
And I thought the best start will be this interface/skin which I directly see and use almost every day now.

This leads me to my second point: Thanks
I don't read all posts in this subforum but I think the main distributers are aj1405, SilentExcept and Rico (please correct me if I've forgot someone). Thanks, you did a really good work.

Third Point: Reworked Icons
I like the HP Icons from Devianart which were used from aj1405 for the 1.1 release and the glow mod. So I reworked them for my own basichome mod with an black glow. I've created 4 versions of each icon: blackwhite, blackwhite with black glow, standard(color), color with black glow. (Adjusted Resolution of all pictures: 580x580)
I've also reworked the common waiting pics. I thought the green doesn't fit very good to the skin.
A picture off all icons can be find in the attachments (Icon_Rework.png), and also the .rar with all single files.
Maybe someone can need them also.

I have some experience with several drawing programs and drawing technics, so if someone need more of this stuff or help by something else, just ask. I'll see what I can do

And the last point: XML
As I've already mentioned above, I've started yesterday to create my own basichome and made some trials with the glow icons. I've attached pictures of my trials with different combinations of Black&White and Color Icons which based mainly on the glow mod from chrisvilla.

But the 4 Symbols of the mod are to less for me, so I created a new Mod which a round arrangement. The mod move the current activated symbol in the middle of the screen. Take also a look in the attachments.
I've attached the complete code of my favorites for both mods. If someone needs another version, just ask.
This mod is just the first try, so I would be happy if I get some feedback/suggestions about this mods.

Best regards,

P.s.: Sorry for the bad picture quality. I made them on my 4:3 laptop in Window mode, because my HTPC is currently not available (thanks to Seagate and their firmware programmer for this). I hope the mods looks good on Full HD, because I've scaled the pictures in xml with an odd number instead of rescaling the pictures themself.

Update: 10-Apr-09
- All Icon downloads were moved to first post
- All Icons were renamed to "Mod_Basichome_***...."

1Row Black Glow Mod:
- I'll not work futher on this, but if someone needs help, just ask.

Clockwise Mod:
- Renamed all Icons to match aj1405 mod naming convention
- Recalculated all movements and icon positions to center all
- Moved all important setting to a <define> list in the file header (to remove the strucpictures just clear the itemxstruc variables)
- Changed to a single label control instead of a own test control for each icon
- I've added the MP Icon in the middle of the screen (picture can be changed or removed in the <define> section)
- Changed struc pictures to a 232 resolution to match the icon size
- Increased zoom from 200 to 250%


  • BasicHome_BW_Glow_Activ_Col.png
    595.8 KB
  • BasicHome_Clockwise_Col_Glow_Activ_Col_withoutstrucpic.png
    431.3 KB
  • BasicHome_Clockwise_Col_Glow_Activ_Col_withstrucpic.png
    546.4 KB
  • Icon1.png
    200.5 KB
  • Icons2.png
    316.5 KB
  • BaseHome_1Row_4Symbol_BW_Glow_ActivBW.rar
    30.7 KB
  • BaseHome_Clockwise_6Symbol_Col_Glow_ActivCol_withstrucpic_reworked.rar
    30.8 KB
  • Icons1.rar
    30.6 KB
  • Icons2-1.rar
    30.6 KB
  • Icons2-2.rar
    30.6 KB
  • Icon_Struc.rar
    30.6 KB
  • CommonWaitingBlack.rar
    30.7 KB


Portal Pro
September 30, 2007
Home Country
Norway Norway
Welcome to forum and thanks for your contribution.

Just a little correction: “Glow mod” was made by chrisvilla.


Portal Pro
July 12, 2008
Thanks. I really like the clockwise basic home. I think I will modify a little bit to suit my purpose, but then I guess i have to create new set of icons which I can't do. I'm not in front of my HTPC now so I don't know yet exactly what i need but would you help me later when i figure it out.

Thanks again


New Member
April 3, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
Update: I've moved all attachments to first post

Thanks for the warm welcome and a "excuse me" towards chrisvilla.

it's no much effort to create such a set of icons, the hard and longer part is to give all the right name. ;) Perhaps you can need one of the attached below.
I'll update the "clockwise" mod when my HTPC is working again. I got the hardware to fix my Seagte HDD today (I hope I get this $%§@ HDD controller out of his busy state with it) and hopefully a new 2,5" Scorpio Blue tomorrow. =) So give me some days if you need more.

Planed adds/changes "clockwise" mod:
- Scale Pictures to the correct size (from 580x580 down to 462x462)
currently the small pictures are scaled per xml with 1:2,5 and the zoomed with 4:5
- Move Plugins and Settings to small icons in the black line
- Set the focused Icon always on top



Portal Pro
July 12, 2008
Thank you very much. Now I can modify my basic home. I also notice that in your new set of icons, you didn't include the Basehome_***_580_BW_Struc.png files. Would you post this type for Mod_Basichome_Videofolder_580. Thanks again


New Member
April 3, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
you're welcome!
I've attached all structur pics (BW pics with 30% transparency) in 580 and 232 resolution to my first post.

I made a clean up of the xml code and recalculated all picture positions and movements. Look into my first post for the complete change list.

My hardisk is fixed now and my HTPC is running again, so I'll checkout the mod on my Full HD screen and will make some further improvements and additions. I'm always happy about creative inputs.


P.s.: If someone has a Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 Harddisk, I wrote a report in the hardware section about my problem with the buggy firmware. See: https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/...-bug-7200-11-es-2-sata-diamondmax-22-a-57690/

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