Home TV context menu seems to be missing (1 Viewer)

Mat Walker

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  • July 7, 2014
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    Updated MP client from 1.29 to 1.32. Kept Titan skin same as previously; very standard no Extended etc (afaik).

    The TV menu item in 1.32 doesnt have the hamburger icon bottom-right and when selected doesnt show a context menu - it now just goes into the TV screen showing the stuff that showed if I select TV from the submenu before..

    Have tried to look at differences (have another machine still with a 1.29 client) in setup/config but cant appear to find any. Both Titans are at

    Not sure what I've done? Or is that a 'known' 1.32 chnage?


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    The TV menu item in 1.32 doesnt have the hamburger icon bottom-right and when selected doesnt show a context menu
    I don't use the "Titan" skin, but I have just tried it using my MP 1.31 production system. I can confirm that the TV tile on the "Home" panel has the small three-line icon in the lower right corner, and that pressing the "OK" button on the remote control when the TV tile has the focus results in the submenu (context menu) being displayed. (y)

    I don't have MP 1.32 installed, but I do have a pre-release version of MP 1.33 64-bit installed, so I tried that. I can confirm that the three-line icon is missing from the TV tile, and I could not find any way to get the submenu to appear. :(

    I compared the "Titan" skin files in MP 1.31 and 1.33, and observe that 7 files have changed in MP 1.33, and 10 files are new in MP 1.33.

    I don't know what the fix for your problem is. Hopefully, one of the developers will be able to fix the problem in MP 1.33. Meanwhile, I can suggest a workaround: simply copy the "Titan" skin files from your MP 1.29 system to your MP 1.32 system:

    (1) Rename the existing "Titan" folder in:
    "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\"
    Give it a name such as "Titan_132".

    (2) Copy the entire "Titan" folder tree from the MP 1.29 system to the MP 1.32 system. If your systems are both connected to a home network, use Windows "copy and paste" to copy the folder tree. Otherwise, use something like 7-Zip to compress the folder tree onto a USB memory stick, and then decompress it on the MP 1.32 system.

    (3) Delete the "Titan" cache files on the MP 1.32 system (MP will automatically recreate them when MP next starts).

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK

    Mat Walker

    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • July 7, 2014
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    (1) Rename the existing "Titan" folder in:
    "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\"
    Give it a name such as "Titan_132".

    (2) Copy the entire "Titan" folder tree from the MP 1.29 system to the MP 1.32 system. If your systems are both connected to a home network, use Windows "copy and paste" to copy the folder tree. Otherwise, use something like 7-Zip to compress the folder tree onto a USB memory stick, and then decompress it on the MP 1.32 system.

    (3) Delete the "Titan" cache files on the MP 1.32 system (MP will automatically recreate them when MP next starts).
    Thanks Cybersimian, I'll give it a go. I really need to dig further into MP1 to understand its workings better so I can do 'frigs' if a release has changes 'I' don't want (Well, not so me but the whinging cohort I live with lol o_O ).

    I'll report back on the success of doing the above.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Ukraine Ukraine
    The TV menu item in 1.32 doesnt have the hamburger icon bottom-right and when selected doesnt show a context menu - it now just goes into the TV screen showing the stuff that showed if I select TV from the submenu before..
    If you go to TitanEditor and select the TVMenu button instead of the TV button and launch Mediaportal, then there is also no hamburger and menu?

    Mat Walker

    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • July 7, 2014
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    I don't use the "Titan" skin, but I have just tried it using my MP 1.31 production system. I can confirm that the TV tile on the "Home" panel has the small three-line icon in the lower right corner, and that pressing the "OK" button on the remote control when the TV tile has the focus results in the submenu (context menu) being displayed. (y)

    I don't have MP 1.32 installed, but I do have a pre-release version of MP 1.33 64-bit installed, so I tried that. I can confirm that the three-line icon is missing from the TV tile, and I could not find any way to get the submenu to appear. :(

    I compared the "Titan" skin files in MP 1.31 and 1.33, and observe that 7 files have changed in MP 1.33, and 10 files are new in MP 1.33.

    I don't know what the fix for your problem is. Hopefully, one of the developers will be able to fix the problem in MP 1.33. Meanwhile, I can suggest a workaround: simply copy the "Titan" skin files from your MP 1.29 system to your MP 1.32 system:

    (1) Rename the existing "Titan" folder in:
    "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\"
    Give it a name such as "Titan_132".

    (2) Copy the entire "Titan" folder tree from the MP 1.29 system to the MP 1.32 system. If your systems are both connected to a home network, use Windows "copy and paste" to copy the folder tree. Otherwise, use something like 7-Zip to compress the folder tree onto a USB memory stick, and then decompress it on the MP 1.32 system.

    (3) Delete the "Titan" cache files on the MP 1.32 system (MP will automatically recreate them when MP next starts).

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK
    So (apologies for late reply - life getting in the way! lol), did a fresh install of 1.33 - Client only, vanilla. I did tick Titan extensions (but, interestingly Windows chucked an error up saying it could not locate/download a file).

    Ran Client with no settings update - except to point it at the server. Sure enough, no hamburger on TV; clicking it goes to showing the stuff that showed if I select TV from the submenu before..

    Followed your steps above (ish);
    1. Deleted
    "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Titan"
    2. Copied the C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Titan from 1.29 machine to this 1.33 machine.
    3. Deleted C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\cache\Titan
    4. Ran MP client

    All good, hamburger is back and wife/kids happy again.

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