How do you disable 'big stepforward'? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
June 25, 2005
Sydney, Australia
I have a silvertek case with remote - case is great but the remote has a VERY touchy movement pad for controlling mouse and arrow keys.
Whenever I want to skip ahead say 3mins. it is VERY easy to accidently hit up or down. THis is very annoying because you either skip ahead and not realise it until the plot doesn't make sense or you do realise and spen for ever trying to go back to where you were.
I have tried disabling the command by removing its key assignment in the setup. But it still associates big stop forward and back with the up and down arrow key.


Portal Pro
March 17, 2005
wiggums said:
Whenever I want to skip ahead say 3mins. it is VERY easy to accidently hit up or down. THis is very annoying because you either skip ahead and not realise it until the plot doesn't make sense or you do realise and spen for ever trying to go back to where you were.

Glad to see someone else finds this as annoying as I do. :?

For one, there should be a graphic to SHOW the user that he/she just jumped ahead 15 minutes (or whatever Big Step Forward is set at). Too often the up/down arrow key is hit accidentally, as you mention, leaving us to wonder "what just happened?"

wiggums said:
I have tried disabling the command by removing its key assignment in the setup. But it still associates big stop forward and back with the up and down arrow key.

Removing the key assignment doesn't seem to work, for some reason.

So, what I ended up doing was reassigning the Big Step Forward and Big Step Backward with ACTION_STEP_FORWARD and ACTION_STEP_BACK. You need to do this in both the Fullscreen TVs section and the Fullscreen Video specific actions section.


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