How sort the same Movie in different versions (1 Viewer)


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  • March 10, 2006
    for example my 3 Versions of Avatar is in the following sort and naming for directory and filename

    Avatar - Aufbruch nach Pandora (2008) (tt0499549)
    Avatar - Aufbruch nach Pandora (Extended Edition) (2009) (tt0499549)
    Avatar - Aufbruch nach Pandora (3D) (2008) (tt0499549)

    How you are manage this?

    With the IMDb+ plugin+scraper (with secondary language option for IMDb+ set to 'German' in your case) this will appear in your MovingPictures GUI list as (not taking sorting into account):
    • Avatar - Aufbruch nach Pandora
    • Avatar - Aufbruch nach Pandora (Extended Edition)
    • Avatar - Aufbruch nach Pandora (3D)
    This is because the (...) special edition tags you used (in filename or foldername) are supported by default in a preset 'whitelist'. The full whitelist of special edition tags is listed on the IMDb+ thread.

    But as HomeY mentioned there is also custom special edition tagging support now via ([...]), which allows for anything to be used.

    So: "Avatar ([Whatever]) (tt0499549).avi" will appear as: "Avatar - Aufbruch nach Pandora [Whatever]" inside MovingPictures (with 'German' configured for IMDb+).

    This would solve the situation in which you want all 3 movies to appear in the same list and be able to quickly spot the difference between them. Another solution would be to pay close attention to the MediaInfo logos if each version uses different codec, or look at runtime to spot the 'Extended Edition' variant.

    And finally as suggested you can use categories to seperate the different versions from eachoter. Put all the "Extended Editions" together as well as all the "3D" versions you have. You can use the "Full Path" filter condition for this, since this will cover both foldername and filename and you can then search for any string-part you used, such as the easy "Full Path" -> "Contains" -> "(Extended Edition)".

    The downside is that you should not just create a positive category that just lists those entries, but then also remove all those entries from your regular listings/categories, such as "Full Path" -> "Does Not Contain" -> "(Extended Edition)", alongside all the other exclusions. Otherwise they will still all be shown together in the generic categories such as "All Movies".

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