How to completely disable/de-install timeshift? (1 Viewer)

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Portal Member
August 20, 2009
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Choas... love it.

But if the scheduled recording starts on a card which is allready in use by an other user, then this user is the owner, and if the owner changes the channel...... wouldn't that kick the recording?
But the recording should take priority over the channel change.
The Client would only have available those channels from tuned MUXs or free cards.
It should be the Client that switches tuner, not the recording.


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  • January 7, 2005
    But if the scheduled recording starts on a card which is allready in use by an other user, then this user is the owner, and if the owner changes the channel...... wouldn't that kick the recording?
    But the recording should take priority over the channel change.
    The Client would only have available those channels from tuned MUXs or free cards.
    It should be the Client that switches tuner, not the recording.

    See my previous post, it proposes the same thing (ownership would be transferred to the recording).


    Portal Member
    August 20, 2009
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    I agree.

    See my previous post, it proposes the same thing (ownership would be transferred to the recording).
    Apologies Tourettes, I was showing the same point in a different way but got the 'final call' for dinner, so had to end quickly without acknowledging your post.


    Portal Member
    June 9, 2009
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    I have an issue with my MP 1.0.2 setup atm, I use the recording side as a PVR to record pay TV via YPrPb input on my (single) tuner card, I have a couple of scheduled recordings setup on a weekly basis (on different days & times). If I happen to come home early & either turn on the htpc (out of stby) & start watching the same channel im about to record before the scheduled time "OR" get home later & start watching the recording say half way thru, the htpc after a given time (approx 30mins?) freezes & "blue screens" ! ... & so the the pc restarts. BUT if left alone, the htpc will record fine & then return to stby, so i can watch it later.

    I was looking to disable TS to see if I could fault find/pin-point the cause to what Im experiencing...This idea/option to disable TS would be of great use to me as I dont know MP inside out & know what to exactly expect from it to be able to diagnose... ive tried looking at the logs... but geeeze to me & Im sure most others using MP cant decifer it :)

    'IF' I could disable it (or even temporarily) I could find out if my folder naming convention was an issue, my hard-drive was corrupt, my tuner card isn't suitable for TS or MediaPortal, or there's a driver issue.. to name only a few... I BELIEVE THIS OPTION WOULD BE A GREAT IDEA! :D (p.s. my separate recording drive is 200GB, folder has remaining 160GB, TS folder is on [D:\], an extended partition of the system [C:\])

    If atm TS cannot be disabled in any way... is anyone able to assist me in fault finding the cause to the dreaded BLUE SCREEN of DEATH!?


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 23, 2008
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    What about this way, even in theory only.

    With TV-Server you cannot disable timeshifting. Sorry.


    Because there has been, and probably will be discussion over disabling
    time shifting in TVE3, this popped to my mind, even I don't need to disable it.

    On one day i just looked the TVE3 code and noticed, that is saves devcename+graf.grf file.
    two theoretical possibilities comes to mind.

    1. Would it be possible to disable timeshifting without too much changes,
    by using that .grf file in MP side to build up rest of the graph ?


    2. Setup rot entry in TVE3 side and connect MP into it and build up rest of the graph when entering to channel ?.

    I know it has effects on lot of user controls when skipping back and forth and so on...
    But it seems that there are peoples who want to disable it.

    Dev's are probably good persons to answer.



    Retired Team Member
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  • December 26, 2004
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    The answer to this whole topic is very simple.
    In MP1, it will never be possible to dissable timeshift.

    Maybe in MP2, but we have not even started to design/plan the new TV-Engine.


    Portal Member
    January 28, 2010

    i have the same probleme

    i removed V1.0.2 and installed V1.1.0

    and now when i go to on other channel , it s say : timeshitf not possible (i need to refresh 1 times to can watch the channel)

    it only happen from the channels of the nova-t usb stick , the knc on dvbs2 in not affected

    but i had no problem with the previous version V1.0.2

    why did it bug in the V1.1.0 ?

    i hope olso in the future that time shift can be disable
    it olso corrupt the record files (with V1.0.2) ,( it s the worse vieuwer i tested for recording)
    so if i need record something i use an other vieuwer like dvddream its more stable

    oh i just solved the probleme

    i notice that the recording folder of wintv nova stick was C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\timeshiftbuffer

    and the KNC was on D:

    so i move the recorded folder for the nova stick to d: too
    and now it s just work fine


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 26, 2004
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    Austria Austria
    Closing this thread now because we have no plans at all to allow to dissable timeshift in MP1 - simply because it is not worth the time to rework it that much.
    The next version of our tv-engine (for MP2) might allow that.

    carlo_0000, the issues you report sound odd. I have never seen such here.
    If you encounter bugs, then please use the bugreport forums to create an _complete_ report.

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